
June 2023

Year 10 Biology Zoo Excursion

Science in Term 2 has been busy and engaging for all students involved.


At Year 7, students were involved in an excursion to Science Works, where students

 experienced the mesmerising Planetarium, in preparation for their Term 4 studies on Astronomy, and the interactive Sports Works components of the precinct.

Year 8 saw students start the year by learning about the behaviour and properties of sound and light waves, which saw the students also travel to Science Works to engage with the visually stimulating Beyond Perception exhibit and Planetarium, as well as the electrifying Lightning Room to learn about the different types of energy.

Year 10 Biology students were lucky enough to visit the Melbourne Zoo as part of their studies of the processes of natural selection and evolution, where many different species of animals were observed, and where an interactive workshop relating to the evolution of big cats was undertaken.

Jordan Perree

On behalf of the Mullauna Science Teaching Team