French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

What’s happening in our French classrooms?


Our Year 10, 11, 12 VCE & IB French students are sitting their mid-year French exam this week. These exams are designed to be true to VCAA examination guidelines and require students, for example, to use their knowledge on French cultural heritage in their response. This is great preparation for the end-of-year exams. Good luck to all our French students in this busy period, and don’t forget to bring a dictionary!


French IB


As part of their theme on Expériences, our High Level IB students have been working more specifically on the various aspects of tourism. They were asked to research in detail one particular form of tourism, such as ecotourism, culinary tourism or sustainable tourism, and prepare an informative brochure on their chosen topic. Here is an example of a brochure on “Le slow travel”! 




Berthe Mouchette French Poetry Competition


This week, our Year 7,8,9 French Partial Immersion students will participate in the annual Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition organised by the Alliance Française de Melbourne. Over the last 100 years, more than 1 million Victorian students have participated in this competition - a unique experience and wonderful opportunity to practise their French pronunciation! Good luck to all our students! 

See below the Year 7 poem selection this year:



Kangourou des Maths Award Ceremony


Last week, we were pleased to present the Kangourou des Maths Award ceremony in celebration of the extraordinary achievement of our French Partial Immersion and Binational students. Kangourou des Maths is an international Maths competition, held in French, with over 255,000 students taking part from over 40 countries worldwide. We were also delighted to welcome Camberwell Primary School award recipients to Auburn High School to receive their award and prize.


 Congratulations to all 70 AHS & CPS students who received Credit (top 33%), Distinction (top 20%), High Distinction (top 10%), Gold (top 5%) & Elite (top 1%) awards. After the ceremony, CPS students were invited to stay for another period and take part in a virtual escape game, with the help of our Year 9 Binational students. A fantastic example of students' collaboration and a little taste of high school for the Grade 6 CPS students!


La nuit du code


Last week, as part of our French Bi-National mathematics program, some of our passionate Year 7 and Year 8 students participated in the event of La Nuit du Code. This event is a 6-hour programming marathon where students work in teams of two or three to code a video game on Scratch using a given game environment. This NdC 2023 edition gathered more than 8500 students from 370 French schools around the world during the month of May and the best video games will be entering La Nuit du Code’s international competition in June. Our students worked really hard in this very first Auburn High School’s edition of this highly challenging event! Kudos to our students who really put their Scratch coding talents to test!


Madame Wong-Fat, French Binational Maths teacher