College News 

Message from the College Principal

College Review

All public schools in Victoria have a four-year strategic plan and we are currently undergoing our school review which takes place at the end of one plan and helps to inform the direction of the next plan. Our reviewer is Rob Miller who is appointed by the Department of Education to lead the review and prepare a report that can inform the development of strategic goals for the school to work toward over the next four years. Forming part of the review team are challenge partners who on this occasion are three Principals of other secondary schools, our senior education improvement leader, and our regional director.


The review team have met with the college Principal team and discussed our pre-review self-evaluation and have begun field days where they observe a range of classes across all campuses and speak with focus groups of students, staff and parents. There are numerous student and staff groups that cover the range of year levels, programs, supports, and levels of leadership that are running over three field days. We are also holding a number of parent focus groups across the college. 


I would like to extend a big thanks to all the parents who have been able to meet with the review team and share their feedback on what we are doing well and where we could improve. We have our final field day on Tuesday and then convene at the end of term to receive the final report and develop goals for our next strategic plan.


This is an important part of our operations to ensure we are continually focused on getting better and providing our students the best education possible and we are grateful to everyone who is having input into the review.

Music News

Mr Chris Gretton
Mr Chris Gretton

Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod:

Congratulations to all our musicians from across the College who participated in the ‘Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod’ over the past fortnight. The event provided the opportunity for our students to develop connections and interact with other musicians from across Gippsland. We are very proud of you all, Well done!


Eisteddfod Results: 

Thursday 10th August

Section 539: Secondary Instrumental Ensemble - Kurnai College 1st Place 

Section 545: Open Jazz/Improvisation Stage Band - Kurnai College 2nd Place

Sunday 20th August

Section 421: Secondary Students Piano Solo - Hayden S, 1st Place.


Primary Schools Music Tour:

Music students from across three campuses of Kurnai College have joined forces to entertain and delight audiences over the past fortnight. Our students have performed throughout the Latrobe Valley area including Boolarra, Yinnar, Churchill, Churchill North, Morwell Central & Morwell Park primary schools. Each performance was met with tremendous applause as the primary school students sang and danced along. The school visits are designed to provide students with the opportunity to see, try and hear a wide variety of musical instruments during engaging and fun filled performances. It is a fantastic opportunity to establish connections with the local community through music; with the primary school visits a clear highlight of our calendar. Kurnai College staff and students would like to thank the local community for welcoming us with enthusiasm. 

Monash Medical Orchestra ‘Music for the Valley’ 

This year for the first time we are very excited to be collaborating with the Monash Medical Orchestra. Kurnai Alumni and current staff and students will join forces with the orchestra as a part of the ‘Music for the Valley’ performance. During the term we visited Monash University in Clayton to rehearse with the orchestra and to fine tune our repertoire in preparation for the musical performance on Saturday 16th of September. This is a fantastic opportunity for our staff and students to be involved in, and we are very much looking forward to performing and our collaboration continuing into the future!


Kurnai’s Got Talent: 

Auditions have taken place across the College throughout the term. Our contestants are now refining their performance repertoire in preparation for the Kurnai's Got Talent Grand Final which will be held on Tuesday, 17th October from 6:00 - 8:00pm at the Kurnai Morwell Campus Performing Arts Centre. All are very welcome to attend. 


The Kurnai Choir: 

All students from all campuses have the opportunity to participate in the Kurnai Choir. Choir rehearsals are held weekly during lunchtimes at each campus. Rehearsals have been well attended and a great opportunity for students to learn to sing with friends in a fun and inclusive environment. All students are welcome to join - for more information contact Mrs Sims.

School Values

Kurnai College’s four pillars underpin all aspects of our work.