Message from our

Campus Principal

Geoff Block
Geoff Block

Again, more information as we approach the pointy end of the year (and secondary schooling) for our year 12 students.

Year 12 VCE VM students will be having exit interviews, with their parents, on Tuesday 5th, and Wednesday 6th of September from 1:30 pm until late. These interviews are critical to ensure that these Year 12 students have a clear pathway they will follow in 2024 or, importantly, they are identified as needing more support to get this pathway in place. The involvement of parents/guardians in these interviews is critical so that this information does not just sit with the school and the student. Please make sure that your student has booked a time for the interview when you can attend.


The non-ATAR process for Year 12 VCE students has begun. The number of students who have expressed an interest in going non-ATAR is smaller this year, which is fine as this decision is purely for the students and their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians and students will be asked to sign the initial non-ATAR information sheet and then parents will be contacted by the school to ensure they understand all the aspects of this decision. Non-ATAR students will be involved in information sessions with TAFE and the mock job interviews happening early in term 4.


Year 12 VCE students sitting for their ATAR score will be involved in the English practice exam on the last Friday of this term. During the term holidays, there are more practice exams and a wide range of revision lectures both online and in person at the lecture theatres in Fed Uni. The information about this has been sent out through Teams or students can get a hard copy from Study Hall. AND make sure you read the section in this newsletter on the VTAC process and timeline to apply for university courses in 2024.


This is a very busy and stressful time for students and staff. If you have concerns about your student please contact the school and let us know. Students can be very good at hiding any problems they might be experiencing but there are always things we can do to help students if we know. Call 5132 3800 and ask to speak with the Advocates, VCE or VCE VM team leaders, or the Campus Principal.