VCE News
Semester Awards
Fantastic to see so many of our Year 11 and 12 students receiving awards at our end of semester celebrations for all of their hard work and determination within their subjects. As demonstrated in the tables below, McClelland is blessed with some very strong VCE cohorts coming through the ranks over the coming years. Very proud of each and every one of you!
General Achievement Test (GAT)
Well done to all students who took part in this years’ General Achievement Test, which took place on Thursday 15th June. The task is a test of general knowledge and skills taken by students in the course of completing their senior secondary studies. The GAT plays an important role in the quality assurance of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level. Students were treated to a BBQ lunch as a reward for their hard work and effort.
Unit 1 and 3 Exams
Congratulations to all VCE and VCE VM students who sat their unit 1 and 3 exams recently. External supervisors were used to give the mid-year exams a more authentic feel, closely emulating the external end of year exams. The supervisors and senior school team were very impressed with the students’ mature attitude and application throughout what was a very successful week.
Staff v Student Events
The staff have taken a commanding 6-4 lead in this year's staff versus student competition. The staff were far too good for an impressive student team in Volleyball earlier in term 2. A modified game was played due to high levels of participation with first to 50 scoring. The staff lead through the middle stages by as much as 15 points before things tightened up late, but it was too little too late from the students who lost 50-46.
Another round of the staff versus student competition took place on Thursday 22nd June, with the staff coming out on top in nail biting fashion. The students took out the honours in the Logos and Music rounds, but the collective effort by staff in the General Knowledge round saw them victorious with ‘The 32 Amigos’ topping the scores with 45 out of a possible 50, while the top student team, ‘Milkless’ scored 37.5 points. The staff now hold a commanding 6-4 lead with only a handful of events to come.
Fit2Drive visited McClelland College as they do each year, engaging Year 11 VCE and VCE VM students in a group of activities that relate to road safety. McClelland College has been involved with Fit2Drive since the foundation was first formed. The foundation helps to educate students about staying safe on the roads and gives them real life situations that they may need to navigate in the near future. The students find this particularly beneficial as it is delivered by young facilitators that they can relate to.
International Excursion to Funky Farm
Our International students and a collection of their close friends were treated to a visit to the Funky Farm in Hastings on a freezing cold morning in the final week of term 2. Students were able to engage with a number of native animals, including feeding kangaroos, holding lizards and a snake as well as patting an emu, a cute and cuddly wombat and a cute but marginally less cuddly dingo. The hour and a half private visit also included informative sessions from a few of the resident animal carers, detailing information about the animals including their diet, lifecycle, conservation status and where they can be found in the wild. All of the students involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves, as did the two supervising staff!
Supreme Court Legal Studies Excursion
On Monday 19th of June, Year 11/12 legal studies students visited the Supreme Court of Victoria via train into the city. Upon arrival, we were fortunate enough to sit in on a murder case that occurred locally in 2019, which allowed us to experience and observe the roles and procedures of the courts in real time. We were seated in the public gallery which was located at the back of the court overlooking the hearing. From that height, we were able to see the grand structure of the room which had a traditional layout with the jury, judge, prosecution, witness and accused all in attendance. While the witness was on the stand being questioned by the prosecutor, visual evidence was presented on the digital monitors which gave us another opportunity to obtain a better understanding of the processes in court. We were then visited by a well established judge from the court of appeal, where we explored an empty court room and listened to him share his expertise in this field of work, whilst also answering any questions we had. To conclude our trip, we were given a tour around the library to look at all of the books and resources kept inside. It was a very interesting and eye-opening experience for us to be a part of, which strengthened our knowledge of what we have learnt in class. It was a very enjoyable day with our peers and a rare experience that we’d love to do again.
Chevay Morunga, Taylor Morunga and
Talija Hallett-Taualii