VM News

Careers Expo

What an amazing day! This year's group of Year 12 students blew previous years out of the water with the professional and engaging displays they created. This year's Expo was well attended (over 400 students and staff), super engaging and provided interactive activities for students to complete across multiple industries. 


A huge amount of work goes into this Expo every year and we have to commend Miss G for driving this year's event.


We look forward to next year!

Practice Interviews

Previously called Mock Interviews, the name was changed this year to reflect how realistic and important these practical sessions are. Students fronted up with their resume and cover letter to “apply” for a job of their choosing. Upon reflection, the interviews were completed to an amazing level by all students. Well done! 


Some of the main takeaways for us were:

  • That cover letters still need more time dedicated to them in order to meet the industry standard
  • That students are under-utilising Compass as a means to be informed of their school program
  • Students need to continually update their resumes, including their references, to keep up with opportunities
  • Generally, students were aiming for a Year 12 completion before they started to think about full time/apprenticeship opportunities.

Unit 1 and 3 completed

Our studies in Unit 1 and 3 for the Vocational Major subjects are now completed. All work that may be unfinished or unsubmitted must be completed in your own time and arranged for entry with the specific teacher. We recommend using the holiday break to complete this work in order to avoid having to “stay back” when the school year finishes.


Literacy Books - Fusion

Year 11 Literacy students finally received an exciting set of packages in the mail last week. They completed children’s stories that were made using the BookBIldr platform. The stories represent hardship, difficult social issues and themes that are often not communicated with young people. The stories are told with sensitivity and specific to a young audience. These books will be showcased at an upcoming Community Day in Rosebud (August 11th) to show how we are supporting the issue of youth homelessness through our ongoing work with Fusion.

The Voice - calling for articles









VM Award Winners




New Structure for 2024

Please note that the VCE Vocational Major program is a 5 DAY PROGRAM. 

In 2024, the default enrolment will be FOUR DAYS at school, ONE DAY at TAFE and then block release of SWL for two weeks per term.

If students want to complete a weekly work placement (SWL) or SBAT as part of their studies, these need to be organised well prior to the year beginning.


Please refer to the information below that you can find in the Senior Handbook for 2024.

Course Counselling

All current VCE VM students will conduct their Course Counselling on Thursday July 20th between 12pm and 8pm. You will be able to select your time using the Booking Sheet on Compass.


This is one of the most important dates on our calendar and is an opportunity for you to ask all of the burning questions that you have. Please book in early to get your preferred time.