House Cup

The race for the 2023 House Cup is heating up, with only 600 points separating each of the houses from victory!


Term Two saw the houses face off in a Volleyball Round Robin, with over 200 students participating over the three days of the tournament.


For the Year 11 / 12s, it was Gold house that took away gold from the plucky Green outfit, with Blue in third and Red in fourth.

The 9 / 10's saw a complete reversal of fortunes, with Red the runaway victors from Green, followed by Blue in third and Gold in fourth.


Finally, the 7 / 8s had Green salute for first over Blue, with Red just getting over the line in a tight game against Gold for third.

Well done to all of the students for their participation!  Very proud of everyone’s effort in making the tournament a fantastic success!


The final standings at the end of Term Two are as follows:

Remember that every Green Compass post that you attain contributes points towards your House!  There will also be additional tournaments over the course of the next term to participate in also!