Visual Arts and Technology

Wood Technology

Year 10 Woodwork students were busy sawing, glueing, sanding, polishing and stringing their ukuleles during Semester 1. With some sweat and tears students finished just in time to take them home! Well done to a diligent group who kept persisting throughout the semester and got the job done! 


Mr Chris Brown

Woodwork Teacher






Food Technology

As part of the Year 9 Food Studies course students have been studying an International Food unit. The students have been learning about common ingredients used in certain cuisines and cooking dishes from countries around the world that have influenced our food culture in Australia. The students began with an Indigenous Wattleseed Damper. They have also produced Thai Chicken Cakes, San Chow Bow and Homemade Pizza. 

The Year 9 Chefs have enjoyed the production and, of course, eating their delicious food together at the end of each class.



Ms Kate Goodwin-Sidoti

Food Tech Teacher





Year 8 Visual Communication Design

A key skill that modern designers should possess is an ability to translate, and enhance, freehand drawings in a digital environment. As part of their studies this term, Year 8 Visual Communication Design students have learnt how to use Adobe Illustrator to do just that. For the task, each student was challenged to freehand draw at least four characters from their own imagination or use an existing character as inspiration. They were then required to select one of their characters and recreate it using the tools and techniques taught in class for the program. Please take a look at some of the exciting work below and see how it may have evolved from paper to the digital environment.

Zoe Chong
Micalah Mendoza
Gisele D'Ottavio
Elisha Mac
Jude Blake
Taki Qaium
Zoe Chong
Micalah Mendoza
Gisele D'Ottavio
Elisha Mac
Jude Blake
Taki Qaium


Mr Rosario Ripper

Instructional Leader Visual Arts and Technology