Around the College 

Mass for Social Justice

On Tuesday 6 June we were fortunate enough to gather as a community to have the Mass for Social Justice. We are very grateful to have had Fr Sam Pearson, assistant Parish Priest at St Jude’s and St Simon’s, as our celebrant. Before the start of the Mass, there was an Acknowledgement of Country, and we used an indigenous designed cloth on the altar – both most appropriate given we had just finished National Reconciliation Week. 

Ending the occasion, a special commissioning ceremony was conducted for the two staff members and four Year 11 students who will be attending World Youth Day in Lisbon this August. Most importantly, the food and toiletries from the Winter Appeal conducted by the St Vinnies group were presented.  Thanks to the St Vinnies Presidents - Annie Shi and Julie Hoang and the St Vinnies Coordinator, Ms Lisa Douglass.


Mr Peter Stewart

Director of Faith and Mission

SIS Cross Country Carnival

This year’s SIS Cross Country saw record numbers in participation levels.  A total of 84 students competed on the day, up from 62 students the previous year.

The new course at Casey Fields, combined with the high participation rate proved to be a winning combination with Nazareth placing 4th place out of 7 schools.  This is a major improvement of 6th and 7th place in the last two years respectively.

Many thanks to the staff who attended on the day to set up and encourage our students.



Mr Chuck Chan

Sports and Academy Coordinator




International Student Experience

I’ve learned a lot over the last nine months. I came here to Australia neither knowing the country nor the people. Being at Nazareth for three terms has been one of my favourite parts of my experience as an exchange student in Australia. 


The school system is very different to the one in Germany. The school spirit of being involved, having a voice and being heard is great. All the different sport events like Swimming Carnival and Cross Country are a great opportunity to discover hidden talents and interests. Being part of one of the six Houses, spending time together in Pastoral and working as a team when it comes to competing against other houses has helped me with teamwork and communication skills.

I will take many of the experiences I’ve made here back to Germany and use them to improve. 


Emilia Friedrich Tanan

Year 11 KN3


On Friday 23 May our Year 10 Geography class went on an excursion to the Toolangi State Forest for our Environmental Change and Forestry Management unit. We looked at how forest ecosystems work, made fieldwork sketches of the forest, and measured the girth of trees. We visited a protected cool temperate rainforest and a mountain ash forest that had recovered from the 1939 Black Friday bushfires. At these sites, we learned about how the forests are managed by the State Government and the optimal environmental conditions that the forests need to grow and thrive. We covered topics about climate change throughout the day and visited a logging site to further investigate current forest management practices. When measuring trees, we estimated the amount of carbon stored in the area of the forest and discussed how the role of forests as ‘carbon sinks’ are important to protect the Earth from global warming and climate change.

Cohen Lam measures an impressive 85m tall Mountain Ash tree. Its girth is more than 5 metres around
The Year 10 Geography class experiencing the magic of the Wirrawilla cool temperate rainforest.
The entire class managed to fit inside the base of a 400 year old Mountain Ash tree.
Cohen Lam measures an impressive 85m tall Mountain Ash tree. Its girth is more than 5 metres around
The Year 10 Geography class experiencing the magic of the Wirrawilla cool temperate rainforest.
The entire class managed to fit inside the base of a 400 year old Mountain Ash tree.


Cayla Ho

Year 10 MK4

Sushi Incursion

On Friday 2 June, the Year 10 Japanese class had the opportunity to listen to the lecture by Mr Osamu Ito, an experienced sushi master, as part of the unit; “Let’s Eat!”. The former chef volunteered to teach students about the less-known facts about sushi, including the type of rice, the important role of vinegar, and how to cut fish.  This was followed by the demonstration of how to roll Hosomaki, the thin sushi roll. To complete the incursion, two students, Dylan Vu, and Kallie Ngo, ventured to roll up the sushi for the first time. They did amazing work and students were able to taste the masterpieces.  I thank Mr Ito for sharing his knowledge and experience. ごちそうさまでした。

On Friday 2 June, students of Year 10 Japanese had the opportunity to explore Japanese culture through the art of sushi making. Lead by Ito Osamu, an experienced sushi master, we were guided in the sophisticated aspects of sushi making. For example, that sushi requires a specific type of rice to taste authentic. This allowed us to explore cultural differences as well as teaching us the basic table manners of Japan. To finish, our class was able to have a taste test of the sushi that was made - everyone was extremely impressed with the skill and taste!


Anthony Tep 

Year 10 MC6


Ms Yukari Nibun

Japanese Teacher






St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

On Tuesday 8 June, Nazareth came together to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart (mass for Social Justice)

 In the weeks before this celebration, the Vinnies had been busy planning, advertising and collecting non-perishable food and toiletry items from all Pastoral groups, to be donated to those in need within our community. 

An enormous thank you must go to the students and staff and all the families of the Nazareth Community for embracing St Vincent De Paul’s Winter Appeal. The photo is a testament to the community’s effort and generosity. 

This year we added a competitive edge to see which HOUSE could donate the most items. These totals were updated weekly, and it was a very close finish. 

The incredible generosity of one particular student, Tharul Ramanayake from McAuley 5, put McAuley House in the lead, with a winning total of 150 items donated.

McAuley - 150

Mackillop -134

Mannix -118

McCormack -107

Knox -90

Chisholm -54

School Total (Students only) =653

Below is a comparison of the items collected four years ago

McCormack 168 

Chisholm 169 

Mannix 270 

MacKillop 432 

McAuley 599 

Knox accrued 639 

School Total= 2277!


So, the challenge I leave you with is… can we increase our numbers next year to try and match our tally from four years ago? 



Ms Lisa Douglass

On behalf of

The Vinnies Team





Production - Seussical

Nazareth, Nazareth! What an outstanding and astonishing performance! I was very confident that the Nazareth cast, and crew would portray a powerful story that would keep the community talking. 

I was blown away by the talent, glued to my seat and never took my eyes away from Nazareth’s Production of 'Seussical', which hit the stage with colourful costumes, singing and dancing. Song after song, the audience was engaged in laughter, enjoyment, and applause for every single performer on the stage.  It was a delight to watch our younger audience members engage with characters, story, and the special effects. Bubble catching was hard to resist during 'It’s Possible' and was merely one of the highlights of the show. I am pleased in the way Ms Sarah Elijah and Ms Kathleen Taura collaborated to bring about such a spectacular show and the way they managed external and internal staffing. The orchestra, under the capable hands of Mr Drew Downing, was amazing and professional in every musical element of the show.   

Many thanks to Ms Carolyn Murphy for the vibrant costuming and working behind the scenes to assist with microphones and headsets. My thanks also go to Ms Olivia Giblin who worked with the backstage crew in the weeks leading up to Production Week. The backstage crew were seamless and pertinent to the smooth running of the show, noticed on all four performances, including the feeder Primary Schools’ matinee show. 

We are very fortunate to have such a high calibre of talented students at Nazareth College. Words of thanks and gratitude have been coming through from parents, audience and students for the sacrifices made by both students and staff members involved. But most importantly, there was a great deal of emphasis on the high quality and professional standard of the show. Students and core staff members should be very proud of this outstanding achievement. 



Mr Simon Landid

Instructional Leader Performing Arts





Basketball Star

Year 7 student Bianca Hatvani took advantage of the long weekend by competing in the Nunawading Spectres Basketball Tournament.

With close to 700 teams competing over the 3 days, the competition was intense.

Not only is Bianca’s team the champions of their division, but Bianca was also awarded MVP for her team.

Well done, Bianca from the Nazareth Community.

Some Pictures from our Year 7 & 8 Step Up Incursion