Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Child Safety

Child Safety is such a critical area for our community and something we are consistently working on. In this area of Child Safety we are guided by the Child Safety Standards which we are always working on implementing at Nazareth College. Please find attached below a table and a document that outlines the Standards in plain language to make them accessible for all. We encourage parents, guardians and carers to look at these documents, be familiar with their contents and to ask one of our Child Safety Team should there be any questions. 

A reminder that our Child Safety Team consists of Ms Arlene Diston, Ms Casey Cilia, Ms Jackie Kol and Mr Justin Duckett. If you have any questions or issues you are most welcome to contact us.

End of Term 2 2023

As we come towards the end of the term, we remind students of the importance of the virtue of perseverance. For our growth and development and for the best utilisation of the opportunities provided it is important that students keep working hard and run the race to the finish.

As we look ahead, please see below some key dates fast approaching and some others further ahead for your forward planning:

  • Year 12 Formal:  Friday 16 June 2023, 7.00 pm
  • Teacher Correction Day and Student Free Day: Friday 16 June 2023 (all day).
  • Year 10 Work Experience week:  Commencing Monday 19 June 2023.
  • Last day of Term 2, 2023:  Friday 23 June 2023, 3.02 pm finish.
  • Start of Term 3, Monday 10 July 2023 (Day 1).

Feast of the Sacred Heart

On Friday the Church celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Heart. In the feast we are reminded of the great love God has for us. Each person is unique, precious and so very special to God. It is from this belief in God’s creative nature and His unconditional, unending love for us that we see the dignity of each and every person. In our community, as we ponder the great love God has for us (the Sacred Heart that loved so much) we are called to love in return. The call of love from God is to respond in love. By loving God, in word and deed, we see our call to prayer and action of faith in our community. We are also called to love God by loving our neighbour. As we contemplate God’s love in this feast, we pray that our community grows as one in the way we pray, live and treat each other, so we see clearly the love of God. We encourage parents, guardians and carers to discuss at home with their children God’s love for us and ways we can respond and show God’s love in return.

Uniform Reset

It has been pleasing to see an improvement in the uniform over the last few weeks. Thank you to parents, guardians and carers for their support of our students in wearing the uniform correctly.  As we look ahead we remind you to please write a note for your child if they are out of uniform. We will continue to monitor uniform closely when students resume for Term 3, 2023.


With Term 2 coming to an end, we reflect on what has been a short but busy term with lots of undertaking happening in the classroom as well as extra-curricular activities.  As we move towards the end of the term, we wish all students and their families a great restful break and a great holiday. We look forward to seeing everyone return for classes in Term 3, 2023.


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students