Upcoming dates 


16 - Corrections Day - student free day

      - Unit 3 catch up day

      - Year 12 Formal 7.00 pm

19 - Year 10 Work Experience (to 23/06/23)

      - Year 9 Japanese incursion

 21 - School Tour

       - Music Soiree 7.00 pm

22 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 am - all welcome

      - Year 12 English Excursion - Athenaeum Theatre

23 - Year 8 Sports Ed incursion

     - End of Term 3.  Students finish 3.02 pm


03 - College office reopens

10 - Term 3 starts 8.48 am

11 - Semester 1 reports available on PAM (time to be advised)

12 - Year 8 incursion Poetry in Action

13 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 am - all welcome

Parent Seminar

Closing soon - Register now!

Registrations will close at midnight Saturday, 17 June 2023.

If you haven’t registered and want to attend, register now!



Enrolments for Year 7 2025

Do you have a younger child currently in Grade 5? Please be aware the enrolment closing date for all current Grade 5 students who are looking to enrol for Year 7 2025 is Friday 19 August at 4.00pm.  All applications need to be submitted by this date.


Applications are submitted via the College website on the following link: https://enrol.nazareth.vic.edu.au/application-for-enrolment/start. Please ensure that all of the requested documentation is provided and that the parent details (for all guardians of the student) are completed.


We have a limited number of places available for Year 7 2024.  If you have not yet enrolled your child for next year please do so as soon as possible, using the same link as above.


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our Enrolments department at enrol@nazareth.vic.edu.au or ring the College directly at 9795 8100 and ask to speak with our Registrar, Ms Bernadette Bryant. 

Japan Study Tour 2023 - Expression of Interest

We are currently waiting to learn whether Shibuya Junior High School, who visited us earlier in the year, can host interested Nazareth College students for a week from Monday 20 November 2023. This trip would then be extended into a second week where students from Nazareth College would travel around Japan to experience some of the cultural and historical sites.  This tour will be open to Year 8 & 9 students studying Japanese, as well as interested Year 10 and 11 students.


Please complete the attached Expression of Interest form and return it to the College via Student Services no later than Thursday 22 June.