
Friday 16 June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus lived His life centred in the heart of God. Jesus’s life embodies this compassionate way as He reaches out to others such as to touch the eyes of the blind man. From this heart place He acted courageously in welcoming all to the table of life. 


Pope Francis, in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, calls us to open our hearts to the world and to be a compassionate presence so that life might flourish in its fullness for Earth and its peoples.


Each day offers the opportunity to open our eyes to see those who struggle and to touch the pain of another through simple acts of kindness. The College’s Vinnies Winter appeal which finished last week was a great way to do this. The items collected were presented at out Social Justice Mass on Tuesday 6 June.


This also might mean spending a few minutes speaking to someone you know that is struggling, donating to those struggling financially, or finding time to visit a lonely person. It could be donating via Caritas to a country torn apart from a natural disaster or being aware of the plight of refugees and acting to assist where possible.


This feast day calls us to honour through our encounters the sacredness of the other and to live centred in the heart of God. On this feast day, let us lean into the heart of Jesus and become a heartbeat of God’s love in the world.


Sheltered in the heart of God may we breathe forth joy and peace to people of need. May we be generous givers with a compassionate heart in whatever way we can especially in the approaching holidays. 


Holy Family of Nazareth, be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth, help us to grow in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge


(Based on a reflection by Sr Monica Cavanagh Leader Sr of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart)