The Fathering Project

Weekly Dad Tips!

Helping your child with their early social and emotional learning is crucial. Just like academic skills, social skills are learned abilities that lay the foundation for lifelong learning. Research shows that children with strong social skills enjoy better interactions with others and are more resilient during social transitions.


Why is this important? Kids with good social skills cope better and experience less stress when starting daycare or school. They are also more likely to succeed academically and pursue further education later on.


As parents, we play a vital role in nurturing our children's social and emotional growth.


​​​​​​​​​​​Top tips to encourage their Social Skills

1. Being kind to others: Start with the basics of empathy, thinking about and caring for others.  

2. Saying sorry: knowing when you have upset or hurt someone and to say sorry.  

3. Taking turns: Playing games and playing on play equipment with others are great for practising this.  


​​​​​​​​​Dad Joke of the Week


My dog is a genius. I asked: "What’s two minus two?" 


He said nothing…