Year 7 Melbourne Zoo Excursi


On the 29th and 30th of May the Year 7 cohort at Staughton College visited the Melbourne Zoo to consolidate their understanding as part of their science studies. As part of this excursion, students took part in a Zoos Victoria workshop around food webs and ecosystems, and considered how human impact affects these.


Nigita from 7G reflected on her experience of the day:


Personally, my experience at the Melbourne Zoo was amazing. I got to explore and learn more about the animals with my friends and others.


We got to learn about animals and the environment they live in. It was very interesting to see different animals doing their own kinds of different activities. I really liked the way the zoo was organised, and that animals had what they liked and enjoyed doing in their enclosures. We learnt about producers, consumers and decomposers which is very useful for us during biology.


I will definitely go back to the Melbourne Zoo again when I get the chance so that I can learn more and see more species next time.