From the Principal

Welcome to Term 3


The students have had a great start to the term, settling back into their daily routines with ease. I am so pleased to see many students demonstrating positivity, confidence and independence as they actively participate in their learning and play. 


Please ensure, your child is getting enough sleep every night ( 9 – 11 hours of sleep is recommended for primary school children) and have a healthy breakfast with a healthy lunch, fruit, snack and water bottle every day. This will support your child in their learning, wellbeing and engagement at school.


We have another exciting term ahead with many new learning experiences planned, some of these being: Year 1/2 excursion to Scienceworks;  Year 3/4 Excursion to Melbourne Zoo; Year 5/6 Mini Boss incursion; Foundation 100 days of school, excursion to Chesterfield Farm and Henny Penny hatching incursion; Interschool Sport; Book Week; Year 3 AFL Clinic and the Victorian State School Spectacular.


IMPORTANT REMINDER: Parent Teacher Interviews/Student Led Conferences are happening next week

  • Tuesday 18th July: Year 3-6 Student Led Conferences
  • Wednesday 19th July: Foundation – Year 2 Parent Teacher Interviews

 Interpreters have been booked for parents/carers who have requested them. 


You will be receiving a Reminder Slip with your allocated interview day and time this week.


PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE. Interviews are strictly 15 minutes and cannot go over time. 


IF you have not booked an interview time please contact your child’s teacher urgently so that a time can be scheduled. It is expected that all parent/carers will have an interview time. Phone interviews can be accommodated if required. 


School Council has approved the last Curriculum Day for the year which is on Friday 28th July. This is a student free day, so that teachers can work on professional learning and whole school planning. The focus of this curriculum day is the DET Disability and Inclusion Model and the introduction of the new Social Emotional Learning program UR Strong – empowering children with friendship skills!


Please remember: Students do not come to school on Friday 28th July


I am looking forward to a wonderful Term 3 and sharing our achievements with you. 


Please read the fortnightly newsletters and the Sentral notices so you are ‘in the loop’ and have a good awareness and understanding of what is happening at school.


Feel free to contact me, the office or your child’s teacher if you have any questions or wish to discuss anything at all.






Carmel Nigro

Acting Principal