Junior School

Welcome back to Term 3
This is one of our busiest, and already we are off to a flying start with our STEAM Immersion Pilot happening in Week 1.
Next week, students in the Training Band, Wind Ensemble and Concert Band will be heading to Music Camp and all Year 7s will be off to Edendale Farm in the second half of the week.
A reminder that Edendale Farm payment and consent is now due along with Year 7 Camp deposits. We will be finalising costing for the camp after all deposits have been made. Please attend to these events as soon as possible to ensure that your young person is able to attend.
Students will be meeting their new teachers for the term with the Arts Elective Rotations switching over. Art, Drama, Wood Technology, Media and Digital Technology are all happening across the cohort.
Finally, the Junior School would like to welcome Tim Clifton to the team whilst Jim Petridis is away this term on leave. Tim will be working with 7H, J and K as their coordinator and has already reached out to his families with his contact information.
We look forward to working with you this term.
MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader