Assistant Principal's Report

Today we are introducing families to our new newsletter design. This is part of a design strategy that includes the launch of the new school website, and the development of a whole school social media presence to support the newsletter.
New School Website
At the end of term 2 we launched our new school website. The focus of the website is to showcase our school as a learning organisation to both prospective and current families, and also to interested members of the broader educational community. This change in focus has also given us the opportunity to further share what is special about the school, our signature programs, and celebrate the variety of extra-curricular opportunities available.
In the short-term families may find that information that they have accessed via the website in the past is no longer available. Rest assured that all information will still be accessible. Most information for current families has been moved across to Compass. There will be communication about this as part of the upcoming Information evenings.
We hope that you take some time to view the website. Any feedback on the website is welcome, and can be directed to me at
Change to Community Newsletter
Families will note the change to the newsletter format today. As outlined in the last newsletter, this change is part of a broader change. From this term our community newsletter will now be published once per fortnight rather than weekly. Alongside this change we will be launching a school Instagram page in upcoming weeks. This will sit alongside the school newsletter as a vehicle for sharing and celebrating both the opportunities available for the members of our community, and also the achievements of our students.
The change to the structure of the newsletter will allow it to be accessed more easily on a phone or tablet, and also to be easily translated into other languages.
Social Media and Photo Approvals
In preparation for the launch of the school Instagram account all families will have received a ‘Consent Form and Collection Notice’ via a Compass newsfeed. During the school year there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph, film or record students participating in school activities and events. We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey, communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters and on the school website.
In the context of photos that would be used on the school Instagram account, we define those photos as publicly accessible. Unless you tell us otherwise photographs, video or recordings of students may also be used in publications that are accessible to the public, including:
- On the school’s website, including in the school newsletter which is publicly available on the website
- On the school’s social media accounts
- In the school magazine.
Further information will be shared regarding the school’s Social Media strategy in upcoming weeks.
Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy
Link: Photographing-Filming-and-Recording-Students-Policy.pdf (
There are many occasions during the school year where staff photograph, film or record students participating in school activities or events, for example classroom activities, sports events, concerts, excursions, camps, etc. Eltham High School will use student images consistently with our obligations under the Child Safe Standards and our school’s Child Safety Policy.
The Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy on our school website informs how Eltham High School will collect, use and disclose photographs, video and recordings of students, and how parent/carer consent can be provided or withdrawn.
FRAN MULLINS, Assistant Principal