
Montsalvat Youth Photography Prize - 2023
Montsalvat is excited to launch the 2023 Montsalvat Youth Photography Competition. With a long and rich history in film and photography it’s time to inspire the next generation of emerging art and documentary photographers. Entrants are invited to explore the grounds, buildings, people and activities of Montsalvat: to capture its essence and bring their own imagination to the process! The Montsalvat Youth Photography Competition is open to young people aged 14 - 18 who are based in Victoria. We invite you to join this creative journey, to be inspired by Montsalvat’s stunning environment and contribute to the cultural program through your submission.
First Prize: $1000 sponsored by Future Leaders. The winner will have their work printed and framed by Montsalvat for display in the Barn Gallery for a three week exhibition.
Second Prize: $500: 20 shortlisted artists will displayed on Montalvat's website and screen in the Barn Gallery for a three-week digital exhibition on a rotational basis. These works will additionally be catalogued and preserved by our friends, the Eltham District Historical Society, providing a permanent display of work for young photographers.
Key Dates:
Entries close: Friday 8 September - Midnight
Finalists advised: Friday 15 September
The winners will be formally awarded their prize at Montsalvat on Sunday 1 October.
Life Drawing Workshops Term 3
Eltham High School has collaborated with Nyora Studio Gallery in Eltham to offer our Year 10 - 12 senior Arts students the opportunity to participate in a series of life drawing sessions.
This is an amazing opportunity for students to further their practice and develop their skills and experience while addressing folio requirements.
The course is recommended for any student who is serious about building their art practice, is exploring the human figure through their folio work or is looking to build a strong folio for applications to further studies in the Arts.
Life drawing sessions will run outside of school hours at Nyora Studio Gallery and are facilitated by local artist and gallery director Emmy Mavroidis. Students will need to make their own way to and from the studio at 1 Nyora Road, Eltham.
Classes are available in six-week blocks on a Monday or Tuesday at a cost of $230 dollars. This includes hire of models, all art materials and tutelage for the six weeks.
Monday sessions will run from 4:00 - 6:00pm commencing on 17 July and continuing 24, 31 July, 7, 14 and 21 August.Tuesday sessions will run from 5:00 - 7:00pm on 18, 25 July, 1, 8, 15 and 22 August.
Places are limited to a maximum of 10 participants so register your interest with Lisa Foote via email at ASAP so that you can be added to the event. Please state your preferred day to attend.
Eltham High Arts & Technology Instagram Account
Keep up to date about everything Arts and Technology including upcoming events, exhibitions, subject information, plus lots more.
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LISA FOOTE, Arts KLA Coordinator