General Information (1 of 2)

Curriculum Day - Friday, June 8

We would like to remind all families that Friday, June 8 is a Curriculum Day and there will be no Kinder or School on this day.

Public Holiday Reminder

Don't forget there is no school on Monday, June 11 due to the Queen's Birthday Public Holiday.

Year 12 Timetable

The end of the semester is fast approaching, and with this, SAC's and exams also.  VCAA have released the Year 12 Exam timetable for the end of year.  Please find the link included below:

  • Any student completing a scored VCE will need to complete the GAT exam.  This is on Wednesday, June 13 from 10am - 1:15pm.
  • Students are asked to arrive at least 30 minutes early to prepare for the exam.
  • There will be no VCE classes running on this day.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to email Michelle Farrand on

School Photos

Thank you for your patience as we worked with Arthur Reed, who experienced issues printing and delivering our school photos this year.


We would like to inform all families that the School Photos have arrived and will be distributed this week.  If there are any issues with respect to your photos, please contact Arthur Reed direct on:

1800 032 028 or send an email via their website at

Reported Illnesses

The School would like to inform parents that there have been several reported cases of Gastro-like symptoms and colds & flus, in all areas of the School.


We encourage parents to be vigilant with hygiene processes at home and to make sure that they keep their child at home if needed to stop the spread of illness:

For Gastroenteritis: individuals will need to be isolated, kept home from school, for up to 24 hours after the diarrhea and vomiting has stopped.  

  • For Influenza: individuals will need to be isolated, kept home from school, for up to 5 - 7 days during the height of the symptoms and should only return once the symptoms decrease and fevers subside.

If you suspect that your child is ill, please refer to your regular GP.  Please also make note of the guidelines in respect to school exclusion periods for these illnesses.   


For more information please refer to the Victorian Government Better Health Channel as per the below links:






Common Cold: