Visual Arts

Visual Arts News

It’s been a busy start to the school year in the Arts/Technology department with competitions and students completing some of their first creative tasks for the year.


As is our annual tradition, Scoresby Secondary College was selected as one of the few schools to participate in an art making competition for the Knox Festival. Using the theme of ‘Oceanic’, Year 9 students created a sea-themed sculpture, using a paper lantern as the base.  They were all strung up above a sandpit for children and their families to enjoy at the festival.


A big congratulations goes out to Jordan Brincat of 9A who was awarded the ‘Best Attention to Detail’ award for his Blob Fish sculpture.

In Year 10 Art, students have worked incredibly hard to produce their first art piece for the year – a Pop Art inspired painting on the topic of villains vs heroes.  The detail and dedication all students applied to their painting was incredibly rewarding to see and resulted in some effective Pop Art paintings, which I’m sure you’ll agree with.


Something different for 2020 sees some Year 7 Art classes running at the start of the year, when normally they would run in Semester 2. The enthusiasm and creativity shown by these young artists has been admirable as they tackle learning the basics of the art elements, the building blocks that make up all art works.

I look forward to seeing many more artistic endeavours taken on by our students in the remainder of the semester.


Ms Erin O’Sullivan

Arts / Technology Leader