Student Services Newsletter

Student Services Newsletter

I would like to wish all students a safe and enjoyable school holidays. During these times it is important that students look after themselves and stay connected with their peers.


Headspace provides some great information about how to cope with stress related to Covid 19. They suggest the following:

  • Being mindful of too much exposure to the media (including social media) as this can be very overwhelming. They encourage regular breaks from the news cycle.
  • Do things that make you feel connected to others and safe.
  • Engage in activities that promote a sense of calm and feeling grounded.
  • Follow the 7 steps for a healthy headspace:
  1. Get in to life
  2. Learn skills through tough times
  3. Create connections
  4. Eat well and stay active
  5. Get enough sleep
  6. Cut back on alcohol and other drugs
  7. Talk to a trusted adult when you feel overwhelmed.

For more information about Headspace’s advice and the 7 tips for a healthy headspace visit


Scoresby Secondary College encourages students to access the following services / contacts if they are feeling overwhelmed during this time:



(03) 9801 6088




Kids Helpline:

1800 55 1800



13 11 14


Beyond Blue:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hotline:

1800 675 398


Ms Casey Lawson (Student Services):


Ms Amy Kirkbright (School Chaplain):


The following apps may also be useful for students to look after themselves.


APPS (iOS & Android)


"Stop, Think, Breathe". A good way to do your own personal check in, with short activities to help you feel less stressed. Best used daily.


"Headspace". Another self check in app, where a narrator with a calming voice gives you the chance to relax. Also very good to help you sleep. Best used daily.


"I Love Hue". An easy game about colour.


"Strava". A fitness tracking app recommended by the youth team at


Please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Amy Kirkbright (college chaplain) if you are experiencing stress or needing assistance during this time.


Ms Casey Lawson

Leader of Student Services