Junior School

Junior School Report

As the end of Term 1 2020 draws near, we in the junior school team would like to congratulate all of the students on a fantastic beginning to their learning for this school year.  We have had many highs and achievements throughout the term including multiple sports days as well as a whole college Athletics Carnival, leaderships opportunities, excursions, a camp and a study skills incursion to name a few. Special mention should be made to the Year 7 group who have now almost completed an entire school term of their secondary schooling and are fast acclimatising to the surroundings of not only a new school environment but also new subjects, new teachers and new and interesting in-school and extracurricular activities.  We cannot wait to see what is in store for this group in the coming months of this semester and beyond, keep up the amazing efforts everyone!



Our Year 8 students went on their first KIOSC visit of the school year and were very lucky to have been involved in the process of learning about Geohazards and what they mean for our future. Below is some more information form one of our students Harrison and his experience on the day.


“On the recent KIOSC excursion, we learnt about energy and Geohazards which is one of the most relevant topics we have covered in recent times on visits to KIOSC.  Over the course of the day we learned specifically about wind energy and how it should be ideally optimised as well as solar energy and its place in powering transportation and the future replications etc.  I think I can speak for the whole year 8 cohort when I say this visit was a particularly valuable. What we learned, was and will be very useful in our future lives as students and people.”

Harrison Voysey Year 8


Junior School Sport



On Wednesday 11 March, I was given the always very promising, entertaining and honourable task of taking out the Junior Cricket Team to represent the college in a three school round robin style tournament against Boronia K-12 and Rowville Secondary East Campus.  Melbourne decided to turn on the weather for us as we arrived mid-morning ready to get play underway.  Our first match up was against Boronia K-12 who showed a lot of potential and promise as well as some really great examples of teamwork and mateship.  The standout for Scoresby Secondary College in our comfortable win against Boronia K-12 was none other than our very own co-captain for the day, Kaiden Woolley; with the bat he notched up 14 not out which included some very nicely timed technique based strokes and effective running between the wickets with his main batting partner Noah Paroissien, also scoring a respectful 13 not out.  On the bowling side of things, we had some very pivotal performances from Noah, Khye Bondini, Luke Barton and Nadine Plevier, all grabbing 1 wicket for very little runs in their singular over.  Our final match up was the always talented and capable Rowville Secondary College Eastern Campus squad who once again did not disappoint in their showing up on the day.  We fought valiantly and other than some regrettable sundries, bowled to some very impressive line and length areas.  Rowville continued to tick over their score passed 100 and this was particularly remarkable being a 10 over a side match, however the body language of our squad and attitude is to be commended for the continuous amounts of effort and encouragement witnessed across the team.  The highlight of the match and day overall is that we were able to carry our wickets through the entire 10 overs against some experienced cricketers in the Rowville side and the enjoyment levels throughout did not disappoint.  Special mention to those players in our squad who had never played before and thoroughly enjoyed their time out on the pitch against some tough opposition.

Mr Barnett Coach


“We had the opportunity to represent our school in the Junior Cricket Team on 11 March. We played against Boronia K-12 and Rowville Sports Academy, we tried our absolute best, but we managed to win just the one game. Overall, we had a great time and we all learned something useful to take away from the day.”

Malin Senarath Year 8


“We went down to Lewis Park on a sunny Wednesday morning and played cricket against two schools: Boronia K-12 and Rowville Secondary.  We lost the toss in our first match and Boronia chose to bat.  Both Malin and Jacob were able to hit their targets and bowled great as well as opening up for the team with the bat.  In the match against Rowville, our best fielder was Zac Howarth who continued to put in effort after effort, and Joni Walai was out most effective bowler with good figures from his two overs. Zac also batted quite well and were able to get a partnership going after we lost a couple of early wickets. In all we had a good day out and some of us got to experience playing with a proper leather cricket ball.  It was a pleasure to captain the Scoresby Secondary CollegeJunior Cricket Team for 2020.”

 Kaiden Woolley Year 8



Tuesday 10 March  saw the Intermediate Volleyball team head out to test their metal against some opposing schools from the surrounding areas at Dandenong Stadium. The team was made up of the Year 9 and 10 cohorts and did not fall short of outstanding in their efforts and performance. The standout player was Eryl Diesta as she showed a tremendous amount of positive and encouraging body language and support to her fellow teammates.  Another great performance on the day was had by Azariah in year 10, who stood out with his ability to jump quite high and spike the ball on countless occasions, however the team fell short of the margin in their final match against Wantirna.  Overall, the students had a great time, and all learnt something new about the game of volleyball as well as themselves as athletes and teammates.  Well done all.


“We didn’t manage to win either of our games but we all had so much fun, learnt a lot about the sport Volleyball and I think also the test against some really talented schools helped us to grow and gave us the desire to be even better next year.”

 Lucy Harrison Year 9


Elevate Education

Last week on the 19 March, students from Years 7-9 from the Junior School were joined by members from Elevate Education who  delivered workshops focused on study and skills to enhance learning.  Below is some feedback taken from one of the Year 8 students, highlighting what students were engaged in on the day.


“I learnt how to manage my time, along with being able to not become too invested in either my school life or my social life.  The teacher from Elevate made the learning really enjoyable and we were given the chance to have a laugh along with her while she delivered the lesson.  If we did this again, I would be stoked! The main skills we learnt were:

  • Revision and how to effectively do it
  • Making a study plan
  • How to balance time between schoolwork and other chores and activities that come with life”                                                                      Lola Allain Year 8


Student Leadership

Supporting Knox Primary Schools - 

On 3 March Luke Couch, Hunter Russell, Dallas Jankovska and Eryl Diesta travelled to Aquanation in Ringwood to represent Scoresby Secondary College at the District Primary School Swimming Competition.


We were the only secondary school to send student helpers, which  thrilled the organisers who needed all hands on deck. 

The students worked tirelessly all day, taking on the roles of official timekeepers. They kept focus all day fulfilling the role most efficiently.


Well done Luke, Hunter, Dallas and Eryl who were excellent role models for Scoresby Secondary College


Junior School Team


Mr Donovan Lawrence - Year 7 Coordinator

Mr Jake Barnett - Year 8 Coordinator

Ms Su-Nhi Kim - Year 9 Coordinator

Ms Emily Phibbs - Head of Junior School