Assistant Principal's Report

Assistant Principal's Report

Reflecting on Term 1

Over the school holiday period it is encouraged to reflect on how Term 1 went for each student as well as set goals for Term 2.  Although we did not have the Student / Parent / Guardian / Teacher Conferences I encourage students to speak with their teachers (when they return in Term 2) to get feedback and set new goals for their education.


Review of the Term

Term 1 has been yet another busy and exciting term. With all that has happened and is currently happening in the community it has been impressive to witness our student’s resilience and perseverance during difficult times.


We have welcomed approximately sixty five new students into our college  including the Year 7 students. It has been great to see so many new students coming in at other year levels.

There were two camps this term, Year 7  Camp to  Camp Rumbug and  the Year 12 residential camp



at The University of Melbourne. There has been two Parent Information Nights (the first welcoming families of Year 7 students prior to camp and the second session for Year 8 and 9 families on developing resilience in adolescence). There have been close to twenty incursions / excursions. With the growth in student numbers it has meant we have had more sporting teams representing the school.  Our focus on student voice, agency and leadership has increased student opportunities for involvement within the college and our community partners – Rotary Club of Knox and Thermo Fisher Scientific.   We have had school photos taken and this week our Year 7 students had their first round of immunisations.  The highlight for me was the College Athletics – it was fantastic to see the college community get behind the event. It was impressive to see so many students dressed in their house colours and participate.  The smiles on the students and staff was a great sight.






We will continue to hold assemblies throughout the year.  Students and parents/carers are asked to check Compass for any changes to the scheduled dates below. Students must arrive by 8.35 am to be marked present.


Term 2 schedule:

Wednesday 15 April (First day) – College Assembly

Monday 27 April – Sub-School Assemblies

Monday 11 May – Sub-School Assemblies

Monday 25 May - Sub-School Assemblies

Monday 22 June – College Assembly



NAPLAN has been cancelled for 2020.


Mr Chris Knight

Assistant Principal