College Principal's Report           

College Principal's Report

Welcome to our last edition of our newsletter for this term.


Term 1 this year has been a difficult term for the State of Victoria.   There were the bushfires at the start of the term followed by the global spread of corona virus.  Over the last month we have focused on ensuring we have been maintaining strong teaching and learning programs whilst at the same time, preparing our students to the transition of home learning.  Provision of routine has and will continue to be important for our students, especially when there is so much uncertainty surrounding them.  The safety and wellbeing of students has also been at the forefront throughout this time. We are very conscious of how recent events impacts on one student, may be very different to another. Therefore staff will be in regular communication with students and be checking on their engagement, wellbeing and learning.


It is also important that we celebrate the highlights from term one and share good experiences. Term one did set strong foundations for our students with transition programs, goal setting and student learning. It has also been a term where we have celebrated the achievements of so many of our students. As a college we have been acknowledged multiple times in the media and at various forums last year. As principal the true recognition comes each day in our classrooms and witnessing first-hand the growth in student learning confidence and engagement in the activities taking place. The recognition we receive is an acknowledgement of our whole college, but we should never lose sight of the recognition of achievement at all levels.

In addition to classroom learning there have been camps, excursions, interschool sport, athletics day, music, production rehearsals, lunchtime activities and many other activities. Our high expectations are known and understood by our students, empowering them to be responsible for their own behaviour and learning.  This isn’t to say that a small number have reminding on occasions.


Our teachers have continued to work extremely hard, modelling our learning values of ‘relevance, rigour and responsibility’ to provide every student every opportunity to achieve their personal best.  We will continue to work on line should schools not be able to return next term and be available to support student learning.


New College Council

The College Council AGM was held last  week.  College Council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students. On behalf of our community, I thank the following members who have been elected for being prepared to commit their time to support our college


The 2020  Committee members :


Ms Cindy Lopes (Year 12 Parent)

Vice President                                  

Mr Keith Talty (Community Member)

Executive Officer (Principal)        

Mrs Gail Major


Parent  Representatives             

Mr Glenn Corey (Year 7 and 9 Parent)

Mrs Sue Phillips ( Year 10 Parents)

Ms Leanne Powell (Year 10 Parent)


Department of Education and Training Employee Representatives

Chris Knight (Assistant Principal)

Tony Stirling (Head of Senior School)

Fiona Matthews (Food Studies Teacher)

Michele Rogers (Office)


Student Members                          

Aimee Bugeja  (Year 10)


I would like to acknowledge the work of our retiring members, Mr Murray Cronin, Mrs Champika Weerasooriya (parent) and Mrs Petra Michaliades (parent) and last year’s Year 12 Captains, Jared Larter and Mitchell Spooner.

I welcome our new members to Council and look forward to our continued transformation and achievement of our goals and priorities in 2020


College Uniform

Students are expected to be in their winter uniforms when they return with the correct items being worn to and from school.  I have been informed that a small number of students have been seen leaving the College towards the end of the term carrying a bag other than the approved college schoolbag. This is disappointing as these students not only impact on the perceptions of themselves and other students; they are not supporting Scoresby Secondary College’s vision and values.  Students are also reminded about the following: knee length skirt length, only one plain gold stud / sleeper and single natural hair colours


We will be thinking of all students, parents, carers and members of the community over the coming weeks.  Please keep safe and well and support the health and wellbeing of all Australians by staying home and not making unnecessary trips. To members of our community who are working in essential services in particular those at the front line in medical fields, we thank you for the work you will be undertaking under difficult circumstances. This will be a difficult time for everyone.


We will update everyone as further information is released by compass.


I would like to thank our students for their continued focus over the past few weeks and parents and carers for the messages of appreciation for college staff.  Our teachers and all support staff have put in many long hours to provide our students every opportunity to be prepared for home learning and the supports which will become even more evident should we not be able to return next term.


The following quote emphasises an important message;


“After all this is over, all that will really matter is how we treat each other’


There will be times where emotions will be high and frustrations exist.  Please use the support networks we send out when this occurs.


Mrs Gail Major
