Farewell Year Six

One of the hardest things about the end of any school year is saying goodbye to our Year 6 students. It has been an absolute joy witnessing the growth of our 2018 cohort. Many started at Beaumaris North Primary School back in 2012 as you will see from the gorgeous Prep photos below.

It is with great pride that I marvel at the growth, not only academically but also the way the students have developed and matured into the independent and socially aware young adults they are today. They have articulated their thoughts, ideas and passions through their positive 'Student Voice' and the recent Year 6 PYP Exhibition was an outstanding example of this ability. The Year 6 students showcased their knowledge, interests and variety of skills not only to every student at our school but also our parent community. The Anzac Day Ceremony and Remembrance Day Service were also highlights and their application to these tasks was exemplary. 

Remembrance Day
Year 6 Exhibition
Remembrance Day
Year 6 Exhibition

On behalf of every staff member and every student at BNPS I would like to thank the Year 6 students for all that they have brought to BNPS over the years. As positive, honest and dedicated role models for us all, they should be very proud of all they have achieved.


My thanks also go to all who have taught, mentored, coached and in any way helped shape our Year 6 students who are now ready to embark on their secondary school education. One of the great pleasures of my job as Principal is seeing our students take the values that they have learned here at school out into the community and I look forward to following their journeys.


I would also like to sincerely thank our Student Leaders for carrying out their roles so responsibly, and every Year 6 student for leading by example and taking their Year 1 buddies and many other students under their wings.



School Captains - Jasmine F & Tyson A
Vice Captains - Nathanael L, Jessica S, Olivia H & Nathanial H
School Captains - Jasmine F & Tyson A
Vice Captains - Nathanael L, Jessica S, Olivia H & Nathanial H


McDonald - Harvey L, Dylan W, Amy P & Jayde G
Morey - Ben S, Jack F, Rebekah P & Bridget M
Reserve - Angus H, Maddy C, Isabella M & Harry H
Wood - Jessica R, Natalia H, Sam L & Ashton W
McDonald - Harvey L, Dylan W, Amy P & Jayde G
Morey - Ben S, Jack F, Rebekah P & Bridget M
Reserve - Angus H, Maddy C, Isabella M & Harry H
Wood - Jessica R, Natalia H, Sam L & Ashton W


eSmart Captains - Indra S & Aiden L
First Aid Captains - Ayesha G & Charlotte R
Music Captains & Special Helpers - Cassie L, Sienna E, Amelia P & Archie H
Library Captains - Will H & Ella B
Wellbeing Captains - Jesse F & Maddy B
Sustainability Captains - Mietta D & Austin C (absent)
Art Captains & Art Support - Abigail C, Charlotte L, Seb T & Lois B
eSmart Captains - Indra S & Aiden L
First Aid Captains - Ayesha G & Charlotte R
Music Captains & Special Helpers - Cassie L, Sienna E, Amelia P & Archie H
Library Captains - Will H & Ella B
Wellbeing Captains - Jesse F & Maddy B
Sustainability Captains - Mietta D & Austin C (absent)
Art Captains & Art Support - Abigail C, Charlotte L, Seb T & Lois B


Junior School Council (Y6) - Madi K & Ned G
Junior School Council (Y6) - Madi K & Ned G

It is not only the Year 6 children who leave our school community but also their families and many of these families have had several children move through our primary school over the years.


This year we sadly farewell the Allison, Anderson, Bell-Weedon, Bennett, Clarke, Clayton, Cook, Cucukovic, Drummond, Dunne, Farrow, Grant, Greaves-Evans, Hall (Angus), Hall (Nathanial), Harris, Heath, Heweston, Hood, Horton, Lafferty, Lance, Lotspeich, Madden, McCubbery, McGuinness, McMahon, Miller, Montry, Morley, O'Brien, Pagel, Paine, Pearce, Pryor, Purton, Rafferty, Rafferty, Reidy, Rodwell, Royle, Ryan, Smith, Stubbs, Waters, Williams and Zamykal. 


Thank you for your amazing contribution and support during your time here at BNPS - we will miss you!

I am sure all join me in wishing our Year 6 students the best of luck for the years ahead and continued happiness and success in whatever they aspire to achieve.


Some will be excited about their forthcoming journey and others perhaps a little apprehensive, but either way I have no doubt that 2019 will mark the beginning of a very exciting and rewarding chapter in their educational journey!

The Amazing Graduation Evening!

This week the Class of 2018 attended some very special celebrations - The Graduation Evening, a Pyjama Party and Big Day Out and will end with a family get-together tomorrow evening. The events provide the students with a well-structured opportunity to have some fun, celebrate their journey through school and spend some time together. Most importantly, this week allowed our students to officially graduate from BNPS.


My sincere thanks to all who made these events so memorable.