Student leadership

Peer Support Training
On Friday 22 November, the students who were selected to be part of the 2020 Peer Support Group, came together to have a training day.
We participated in various activities that the Year 10 mentors would be running with the 2020 Year 7s. This gave us the opportunity to really understand the role and what we were trying to achieve with them. We learnt how to adapt various games and activities to use with our student groups. The training taught us the importance of certain skills. These included understanding body language, being empathetic and approachable, and listening skills. These are all important as they not only make us better leaders, but give us the tools to help the Year 7s.
By the end of the day we went through how to construct a lesson plan, to outline how we would go about leading the sessions. The experience was motivating and educational and we walked away with a lot more confidence, not only when working with the Year 7 students but in helping and supporting others around us.
Amberley Powell (2020 Year 10)
Student Leadership 2020
In the last newsletter, we congratulated our new student leaders for 2020. Next Monday, all new leaders will participate in a training and planning day here at school. The day will run from 8.50am and finish with a lunch. All teams will come together to share what they have planned for the year ahead. Parents are to complete the Compass consent early and to email with Ms Harvey or Ms Sharpe with any dietary requirements please.
A diary date for next year - Monday 16 March. Most leadership teams will attend the GRIP Leadership Conference to assist with building skills and consolidate their plans for 2020.
Year 8 Class Captains
All students in Year 8 have the opportunity to nominate to be a Class Captain for 2020. Class Captains from Year 7 and 8 make-up the Junior School Leadership team and will work together next year to be an active voice and create, organise and run events for the Junior School. During the year, this team will attend leadership training and conferences intended to build their capacity as leaders and to be able to better communicate their ideas with others.
Application forms are available from the Year 8 Personal Learning Google Classroom and should be completed and returned to the General office no later than Friday 6 December.
Wendy Harvey
Director of Leadership and Engagement