Travel disruptions

Frankston line - buses replacing trains in 2020
The Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) will continue throughout 2020. The building works will require ongoing road closures around MGSC and train line disruptions.
The LXRP has advised that the Frankston line will have buses replacing trains for extended times and during term time in 2020. It is anticipated that there could be a two week period of no trains running between Frankston and Moorabbin early in the school year. Buses will operate, extending the usual travel times. Subscribe to these websites to keep up to date:
President's Cup - Reserve Road southbound closure
Over the President's Cup at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club, Reserve Road will be closed southbound between Park Road and Weatherall Road from Tuesday 10 December to Sunday 15 December between 7am and 7pm. Cars will be detoured via Charman Road. Northbound traffic along Reserve Road will not be affected and normal traffic flow and access will be available outside of the event hours.
This could see delays in student's usual journey to school.