College matters

Presentation Evening
Tuesday 10 December at 8pm
Please be seated by 7.45pm
Kingston City Hall, Nepean Highway, Moorabbin
Our Presentation Evening is next week is at a new venue, Kingston City Hall. The MGSC College community is very proud to be able to acknowledge the amazing achievements and involvement in the classroom and co-curricular activities and enjoy some performances from our music and dance ensembles as well as a past student guest speaker.
We invite all members of the College community to this event and tickets (free of charge) can be obtained via the following link MGSC Presentation Evening tickets.
Headstart - Design Thinking
Congratulations to all students for their active and positive involvement in the Headstart 2020 program. The school has been buzzing with positive energy as students have moved into their new year levels. The Year 9s have been involved in a three-day Design Thinking Project where students in their form groups had to design a three dimensional suburb 3m x 3m including residential, green space, commercial components and with robots that can move about the suburb. The suburbs were absolutely fantastic and this was a great way for students to get to know each other. A huge congratulations to Diana Gilbert (Domain Leader – Science & STEAM Learning Specialist) who lead a team of teachers to facilitate this project.
Headstart Week 3: Monday 9 to Friday 13 December - 2020 Years 8 & 9
We wish everyone a safe and relaxing break over the holidays and look forward to beginning the 2020 year.
All students must clean out their lockers before their last day of the year. All items need to be removed and disposed of or taken home.
The summer holiday period is an ideal time to evaluate your summer, winter and sport uniform. Ask "will it make it through another year?" Items may need to be adjusted, mended or replaced. Dress hemlines should be between 5cm above and 5cm below the knee as a guideline. As our students grow, the length needs to be adjusted accordingly.
Environment week
Monday 16 to Thursday 19 December
Students will participate in environmental duties until lunchtime and view a film in the afternoon. The alternate program is:
- Each day will commence at 9am and students will be dismissed at 3pm.
- Students are to dress in casual clothes, with enclosed footwear (eg runners).
- Students are to report to Room 1 each morning at 8.55am.
- The canteen will NOT be open so students will need to bring their own recess snack and lunch. Students will not be permitted to leave school grounds to purchase food.
- Recess (10.15am to 10.30am) and lunch (12noon to 1pm) will be held in the canteen quadrangle.
Kingston Optika Photographic exhibition
Media teacher Lisa Blumenstein has entered a work featuring three MGSC teachers in the OptiKA 2019 - Kingston Photographic Award. The photograph features Lauren Caridi, Dylan Reeves and Bill Murray, representing different generations of teachers.
To see the photograph you need to visit the exhibition at Shirley Burke Theatre in Parkdale from 5 December to 25 January. Vote for your favourite photograph through the People's Choice Award to go in the running to win a $250 DFO Moorabbin gift voucher. Vote for Lisa's and she could win too!
There is more information at:
Carol Duggan and Deb Jarvis
Assistant Principals