Principal's message

This is the last week for the 2020 VCE students and Year 10s. They have completed two weeks of Headstart and I have heard through the grapevine that the students are taking their studies very seriously. This means they are off to a good start. The most important part of managing workload is to reduce stress through organising a good homework study routine. Over the holidays, it is essential that all of the novels are read and that the homework set is completed and ready to be shared or submitted on our return to school in January.
This week our 2020 Year 9 students have participated in a Design Thinking Project where they have undertaken an intensive three-day workshop in the JLC. The project is an initiative of our STEAM Learning Specialist, Diana Gilbert. Each form group had the task of designing a suburb for a 'grey-field' site in the City of Kingston. They created a scaled mini-suburb in a 3m x 3m grid for a target market, culminated in an exhibition and pitch session. The aim is to develop critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and technical digital skills required for future participation in the workforce.
This is happening one week before Diana Gilbert travels to the United State of America with the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australian/ACTURA NASA trip. Eight of our students from 2020 Year 8 to 10 will join students from all around Australia on this unique experience. Best wishes to Olivia Ayyuce, Abi Bagavathi Athithan, Ella Bennett, Isabella Jeffrey, Kamila Khalilova, Tracy Truon, Yifan Wang and Scarlett Wells. We look forward to discovering your adventures and explorations in the new year.
We are in the process of taking enquiries for the hiring of our gymnasium and oval for next year. So if you know of a sporting club that requires the use of sporting facilities please ask them to contact Bronwen Peterson, Facilities Manager. As a proud government girls’ school we are particularly keen to support girls and women’s sporting clubs.
Kind regards
Linda Brown