Sport report

Year 8 cricket
Well done to the Year 8 Cricket team for playing in the State final last week. The team showed great sportsmanship and fair play whilst representing MGSC with pride. Unfortunately, they didn’t make it to the finals of the day but what an achievement to get to the State competition. Thanks for Mr Hull for his coaching (and umpiring expertise).
Student coaches in 2020
Students in Year 9 and above are encouraged to complete the online coaching expression of interest form. This has been posted on Compass as well as emailed to all students.
Applications close on Friday 13 December and no late applications will be considered.
If there are any concerns or questions please come and see Ms Parker in the Gym office.
I would like to wish all students and their families a safe and enjoyable summer break and look forward to some more incredible sporting achievements ahead in 2020.
Ilana Parker
Interschool Sport Coordinator