Working Together

City of Casey traffic updates

School Council is in constant communication with the City of Casey in relation to traffic management.  Shaun de Waal Senior Traffic Engineer, City and Asset Planning has forwarded the following information.


We are currently seeking quotes for the upgrade of the existing electronic speed signs for the school speed zone along Pearcedale Road. VicRoads require the duplication of the existing signs prior to formal approval being given for the change in speed limit. The existing signs also require retrofitting as they are unable to display 40 in their current format.  As this requires fairly substantial funding we have had to wait until the this financial year to get funding for the project. Providing VicRoads do not delay the process too much I would hope to have works undertaken over the summer school holiday period ready for Term 1, 2020.  Works would have to be undertaken during a school holiday period to minimise disruptions to the current school speed zone during the school term.

"The Kiss and Go Zone does not work"

The Kiss and Go Zone DOES work if all users:

  • Access after 8.30am and 3.30pm.
  • Do not park on the driveway, congesting traffic on Browns Road.
  • Turn left out of the drive way to promote traffic flow (I cannot mandate this but strongly encourage).
  • Do not honk your horn.
  • Be nice to staff members who volunteer their time to ensure adults behave.

Monique Corcoran


Don't drive over the 

The traffic cones are placed on the entry and exit path to the KISS and GO Zone to stop adults from entering outside opening hours.  It has been bought to my attention that some adults have been intentionally driving over the traffic cones and another who stopped their car, removed the traffic cone with the STOP sign clearly in it, and parked in the Kiss and Go anyway.  Any such behaviour will be reported to the Principal, with licence plate information.

Be a solution finder

Walk to school; don't drive

The sun is shining through.  Why don't you park your car away from school and walk.  The benefits of 10 - 15 minutes of walking a day is scientifically proven, let alone the positive role you are exhibiting to your children and the cheerful conversation you could have.