Junior School news

Congratulations on making it through four weeks of remote learning!
I know many parents have been supporting their child with their schooling and there has been some challenges transitioning to an online platform, however the feedback I have received from the Junior School teachers, the students are doing a great job. : )
All teachers are working hard to ensure that classes are loaded to Compass, are engaging and are as clear as possible so that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing. I asked the students of the Junior School to give a "Shout Out" to their teachers who are supporting their learning. Here are some that i would like to share:
Ms Elloy is making learning really easy to do and creating a calm space for her students to focus. Ayla, 7D
All the teachers are being so understanding of everyone’s situation. Piper, 7C
Ms Bowers, because although this is very difficult for us all shes still managing to make sure we’re all staying fit and healthy. She’s been giving us fun activities and workouts to do in PE and is giving us very reasonable amounts of time to finish our work. Summer, 7B
Ms Kennedy is doing a great job at always making sure class is as fun and inclusive as it would be if we were at school. Milla, 7H
Ms Dickson and Ms Breidis because they always have it explained well what to do. Ms Elloy because she organised our essays very well. Teneal, 7A
Ms Witt (My Maths and PL Teacher) Ms Witt has been very helpful during online learning. She showed us some tricks to help get our work done faster and more efficient. She has been very prepared during our maths classes. She makes it feel like a normal day at school. Ms Witt has even been kind enough to wish some students happy birthday and sing then a birthday song. Thank You Ms Witt. Alizea, 7F
Mr Hall because he is encouraging everyone and he has been understanding because many of us couldn’t figure out online learning for the first few days. Georgia, 7B
Ms Willet because she it teaching 7C textiles right now and she has managed to help all of us with the hand sewing pouch project. Textiles takes a lot of time and concentration. Our class has questions literally every five minutes and Ms Willet is always ready to answer even if the question has been answered three times. Seyara, 7C
My teachers are doing an amazing job at delivering online lessons, and I really appreciate that they are dedicated to doing this for us. All of my teachers are always fast at replying to emails they get from students and are always there for any help we need. Rafaela, 8G
Mr Haines, Ms Thomson, Ms Ta, Ms Riennets, Mr Clancy for being amazing and making online learning better by not stressing me out with the load. Caitlin, 8B
All of my teachers are doing an excellent job on teaching my class on an online platform. They are always so prepared and are always striving to make sure we understand the lesson plan and what we are doing for that specific lesson. A huge thanks to Ms Sajedi, Ms Dixon, Mr Hughes, Ms Erwin, Mr Howells, Ms Johnson and Ms Bretherton for always being there to support us and help us learn through this difficult time. Peri, 8D
Ms Sharpe is making the work fun and interesting to stay on task when learning at home. Claire, 8D
Miss Ta is so helpful and is constantly being supportive during these strange times, she always kind, understanding and hardworking and I know I can count on her for help! Olivia, 8B
All of my teachers are trying hard to make this new learning environment work. Avaii, 8D
Team Meeting
The Junior School Team are still meeting regularly, via Webex, to discuss key processes and plan for each fortnight. In this picture we are giving each other a virtual High fives to each other!
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School