Student Leadership

Student Leadership
Despite the challenges of having online meetings, most student leadership have resumed meeting to discuss various ways we can all remain connected and to also to continue working on project and ideas for when we eventually resume at school.
Most of our student leaders were booked in to attend the annual GRIP Student Leadership Conference at this time. This event brings student leaders from across the state together with a variety of fantastic and super enthusiastic presenters running sessions and workshops intended to build leadership skills and develop strategies that student could bring back into their schools and leadership teams.
In place of the live event, GRIP have created an on-line version and portal. All students at MGSC (not just the student leaders) can access this site and all the resources for the remainder of the year, free of any charge. We are all leaders from wherever you stand. Explore the portal and see for yourself how we can all makes difference in building our own capacity for leadership and also bring exciting change to our school.
Login to the ‘Online GRIP Student Leadership Conference’
Web address:
Mentone Girls' Secondary password: access8348
The online portal is easy to use, and self-explanatory.
- You now have unlimited ‘on demand’ access to the online version of the GRIP Student Leadership Conference’.
- You now have unlimited ‘on demand’ access to the Halogen Australia ‘National Young Leaders Day’.
- You now have unlimited ‘on demand’ access to the ‘Leadership Library’ containing dozens of extra courses with video material and online activity booklets, providing over 300 hours of extra material for your students to engage with as you see best.
GRIP has also sent us access to
Personal Learning this week
Student are often encouraged to practice and apply things learned in various ways at school to other situations outside of school. While push back from students may be typical in adolescence, but by gaining some understanding of how the brain leans new things, student might become a little more open-minded. In Year 7 Personal Learning we have been looking at how the brain learns new things to build new habits. Neuroplasticity is where our brains rewire themselves when new things or new learning is experienced. Repeating these experiences or practicing the new learning make these new pathways stronger and the messages travelling through them becomes faster. On the flipside, when these pathways are not used, they wither and die. This is why revisiting learnt material is so important. Study and practice develop brain pathways to remember things. Practicing at the same level, improves reliability however increasing the level of difficulty. Many classes finished last week by making a mindfulness jar which can be useful in supporting mindfulness a thinking activities.
Year 10 Personal Learning began their Game of Life inquiry looking into developing life skills and understanding some of the many ‘adulting’ things that might be useful to know about like buying a car, renting, financial obligations and budgeting.
At various stages during the year, all classes spend time exploring career planning and sessions dedicate to choosing subjects in order to achieve best possible outcomes. All students are able to create an account in the Careers portal on the College Website. This account will remain with students throughout their time at the college plus one year and has a variety of links, tasks and helpful videos to support students in their search for career advice.
All Year levels consider the G.E.M. Grid added to each year level Google classroom. Focusing on Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness, students are encouraged to either join in with discussion about the various squares on the grid that week or to engage in journalling.