Art online

Unit 3 VCE Art classes show their teacher Lauren Caridi, progress on their art folios (above). We hope to see more when students' folios and final artworks are displayed at the annual MGSC Art Show in October.
Art Experiential Drawing
Year 8 Art classes are currently working on their observational drawing at home. 8G took a lesson out to experiment with different things they could find around the house to draw with. They tried drawing the medium they were drawing with. Some materials they chose to draw with were; nail polish, plants, beetroot, rice, and makeup.
Gemma Johnson
Art and Technology teacher
Big screen heros
Media students were invited to come to class as a favourite film or television character. The enigmatic bopped brunette is their teacher, Lisa Blumenstein, as Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction. We are not sure if she demonstrated Uma Thurman's dance moves from the movie.
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10