Health & PE

House colours
What an exciting week we had with our ‘House Colours’ dress up week. As our MGSC House events are on hold for now, we provided students with an opportunity to earn house points whilst being at home. Each sub school was allocated a day and asked to complete a from and upload a photo. Below are the results:
- 1st Jackson
- 2nd Kenny
- 3rd Mackellar
- 4th Melba
House Leaders
Let’s find out what some of our 2020 House Leaders have been doing to keep healthy and their thoughts on the start to term 2. Future newsletters will have other House leaders insights.
They were asked:
- Please provide a short description of how your term has been going for you.
- What are some things you have continued to do during these different times that may make you happy, focused or less stressed and keep you healthy?
Mae Wallis Mackellar Junior Leader
So far the term has definitely been different but overall I’m adjusting well. I really enjoy being in the comfort of my own home when I do my schoolwork but I’m missing everyone so much! One of the hardest things has been not being able to play my out of school sports every week. I’ve learnt that going on runs is not the same as playing netball!
Some things I love doing are taking my dog for walks down the beach, going on daily runs and walks around my neighbourhood and shooting goals in my netball ring.
Millie Belleville: Jackson Senior Leader
So far the term has been extremely different in comparison to previous years for obvious reasons. However with the help from teachers, friends and family the transition to online school has been extremely smooth and so far successful and enjoyable as possible.
During isolation, I have been able to take advantage of my free time by exercising, doing activities with my family such as painting, watching movies, playing with my dog, and studying! Although it has been a stressful time I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by great people.
Amelia Neal: Melba Senior Leader
It has been interesting...! I never thought I would be starting term 2 online. Nevertheless I am starting to enjoy doing school in the comfort of my home and I am very proud of the teachers and all the students efforts to adapt to this change.
I have been going on walks and developing my cooking skills by making dinner and cooking for the family.
Holly Sweatman: Mackellar Junior Leader
The term so far has gone well, I actually don’t mind working from home but I do miss going to school and interacting with my friends and teachers face-to-face.
We have all had a lot more time to do things that you love and make you feel happy; I have been doing a lot more baking, cooking, reading, singing, playing with my dog and exercising.
Health & Physical Education team