Architectural Studies
Architectural Studies
The year has concluded with our first semester of learning in Architectural Studies through the SACE 1 Integrated Learning framework at Blackfriars Priory School with great success. The course is open for Year 10 students to gain a semesters insight into the industry and the opportunity to gain 10 SACE units. The course is a skills-based course that encourages students to develop their architectural communication skills – through various practical skills sets, consultation, community involvement and the design process.
The extension of the course takes students with astute skills into SACE1 and SACE2 Visual Art: Design with confidence and our desire is to increase the success of our students in their senior learning.
The key project this semester engaged students to work in collaboration with Mrs Petruzella’s Year 3 students as the clients to design a cubby house for the Primary School. The experience was a wonderful opportunity to make connections with students across the Primary and Secondary School through the sharing of ideas and developing the project’s brief.
The project replicated a real-life design processes and the results of their collaborative project are proudly displayed in our Senior Library. Student work includes graphic CADD presentation and 3D printed, balsa and foam core models.
Please visit their collaboration captured in examples of work on display in the senior library, the Year 3s loved seeing it!
Mrs Emily Kenny
Mrs Krystale Petruzella