Performing Arts News

Musical Notes

Primary Awards/Carols Night

A big thank you to the 3/4/5/6/7 Choirs and Concert Band 3 for their commitment to performing at the Awards and Carols Night. We look forward to more spectacular music making in 2019!


AMEB Results

The following boys who undertake instrumental studies at Blackfriars have recently completed their recitals with the Australian Music Examinations Board.


Harry Boyd-Turner:

Piano for Leisure Grade 2 - A HONOURS and

Trumpet for Leisure Grade 3 – B+ HIGH CREDIT.


Peter Le:

Flute Grade 6 recital – A HONOURS.


Congratulations to Harry and Peter!



Applications for tuition 2019: If your son wishes to continue learning their instrument next year, an application form must be filled out and returned. The instrumental staff need to organise their numbers for 2019. Forms were sent home with students, or follow this link on the website:

Return of instruments: If your son is hiring an instrument, and will NOT need it for 2019, please ensure it is returned to the library.



A joyous and safe Christmas break to all Blackfriars families. Thank you for your support and assistance throughout the year, and we look forward to a vibrant and musical 2019! Bets wishes from all staff in the Music Department.