2019 Booklists
2019 Booklists
Online ordering with Lighthouse Books commenced on 19 November 2018. All orders received by 21 December 2018 will include a 10% discount on most stationery items. These stationery prices will increase by 10% after 21 December 2018 for all first orders. This does not include new enrolments received after this date. A paper copy of the booklist was sent home with the Primary School students and students currently in Year 8 9 and 10. The current Year 11 students going into Year12 in 2019 will receive the booklist during Orientation Week. Students going into Year 7 and 8 and the 2019 Receptions received a copy of the booklist in their Parent Information Pack.
Please order early to ensure you receive the discount. Please note late orders incur a late fee.
PLEASE NOTE: It is important for students to have stationery, the compulsory workbooks and items at the beginning of Term 1 2019.
All Booklist enquires should be directed to Lighthouse Books at booklist@lighthousebooks.com.au or telephone 83402356 (NOT THE SCHOOL). Please include details of your child's name, school and year level in your email enquiry.
Miss Toni Virgara