
Angelique Phillip-Kemp - Pastoral and Events Co-Ordinator

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back all our students for 2022, after a challenging and disruptive few years. 


This year, I will be taking on a new role of Pastoral and Events Coordinator, and there are plenty of exciting things happening in the first few weeks of term.


Our Year 7 students will be leaving in two weeks to attend their Year 7 Camp at Camp ADANAC. This is always a fantastic and much-loved event, with engaging activities for the students, and the time for them to meet one another and make new friends. I thank all the staff who are helping to make this camp possible and look forward to sharing photos and stories with you when we return.


Year 12’s will also soon be attending their retreat, which allows them time to reflect on their past years of schooling, bond with their peers and prepare for the year ahead.

There is a new Pastoral Program being implemented in Homerooms this year, providing students with education in all areas such as study skills, leadership, wellbeing and mental health, respectful relationships, and resilience. 


Below are some of the things that Year 7 students are most looking forward to on camp this year, and some of the most treasured memories of our Year 12 students from their time on Year 7 Camp. ‘


“I am most looking forward to swimming and jumping in the water from the water trampoline!” 

- Isabel Bonsor, Year 7


“I am looking forward to spending time with my new friends outside of school time.”

- Gabriel Dimitriou-Bochenski, Year 7


“I am excited about staying in a cabin and doing new activities with new people.”

- Daniel Belibeck, Year 7


“My favourite thing from Year 7 Camp was the activities – especially the water trampoline!” 

- Courtney Cabezas, Year 12


“I remember being in a canoe with my friend and we both tipped it over and fell in the lake!”

- Daniel Kunz, Year 12


“My favourite memory from camp was filming a horror movie the week before and playing it at camp for the Talent Quest.”

- Terry Cho Man Yan , Year 12