Principal Report

Curriculum and Student Engagement/Wellbeing

Thank you to all families, students and staff for the positive start to the school year. With uncertainty around covid and it’s effects on what school may look like, the learning community has shown resilience and our attendance has been good. It’s the only way to handle this situation, vote with your feet and follow covid safe practices! We are letting parents of affected year levels know if any positive covid cases have surfaced and then we put in place department protocols of isolation of those staff or students affected. Teaching staff are still able to attend school if they have been a close contact as long as they test daily and return a negative result. Teachers are under the same governing guidelines as health workers and others deemed essential workers. If you ever have any enquiries regarding school and are unsure of something, please contact the office on 0355851277.


New School Wellbeing Counsellor

Edenhope College is pleased to announce we have a new student wellbeing counsellor that has started with us in 2022. Robyn Lyons has accepted a position that services us for two days a week and Goroke and Balmoral Colleges for the remaining three days. There is more information in the wellbeing section of the newsletter.

Robyn Lyons
Robyn Lyons

Equestrian Elective

Edwina Price is looking to start her equestrian elective in week six of Term 1. Eddie will initially work with students who have membership at the Apsley Pony Club (next to the Edenhope Racecourse). At this stage it will be on Friday’s and in lesson 6. Details will follow soon, but this is exciting news for students.

Edwina Price
Edwina Price

Good Samaritan

A big thank you to a volunteer from the community who doesn’t wish to be named, for attending school over the holidays and put up two senior school basketball backboards and goals. They have also started work on replacing the primary backboards & goals. Students really appreciate what you have done and they are being used flat out. Also a shout out to ex PE teacher Emma Ryan who initially organised the replacement boards. Thanks to both of you!

Primary Building Upgrade

Teachers in the primary area have been waiting for what seems like ages for a few upgrades in their building and we’ve finally been able make things happen. All rooms have been painted over the break, new air conditioners have been installed and much to the students excitement – new furniture has finally arrived. On Friday students were presented with brand new furniture that was delivered late the night before and they loved it. It also helps set up a more engaging leaning environment. The F-1 class still needs couple of extra tables due to the large number of foundation students who started with us this year. 


Technology Teacher

Christian Haack has joined us as our Technology Teacher. Christian hails from a plumbing background and has run a business in this area. He brings multiple skills to the role, having taught woodwork, plumbing, metal work and is keen on reviving our auto program that has been dormant for the last few years. Christian has a passion for car racing and has raced at Sandown Park. Even though he is a Holden supporter, we won’t hold that against him! We are keen as a school to see where Christian can take our technology area and we’ll be fully supporting him to get as many areas up and running for our students.

Christian Haack
Christian Haack

Academic Support Programs

Covid has disrupted learning over the last two years there is no denying this. At Edenhope College we have multiple programs that we are using to support student growth. MYLNS Numeracy and Literacy, Tutoring support (extra staff in classes), Read Write Inc, MultiLit Literacy Intervention, Quicksmart Numeracy and many more intervention and extension programs are in place to help strengthen student confidence and engagement. 

To add to this we welcome Rachel Munro as our new Learning Specialist and Curriculum Coordinator. Rachel will have a Senior Mathematics teaching role that will sit beside her Learning Specialist role. It’s my belief the students and our learning environment will benefit greatly with her addition!

Rachael Munro
Rachael Munro


Trevor McClure
