Debating News

The Debating Program at the College has begun with a bang this year and we have been so thrilled to see the eagerness of our students to get involved.
We have a growing club - at the moment with a membership of 32 students.
We have a number of upcoming activities throughout the year.
These are as follows:
- a student versus teacher debate at the end of each term
- impromptu student versus student debating throughout the year
- Debating Association of Victoria interschool debating competition at Loyola College
Each week our members are working on external debates in small groups and working on building their individual debating skills with activities during club time.
On Monday night we had our DAV teams compete in their first debate of the year at Loyola College. A wonderful job was done by all and robust debate was delivered by all speakers. Our Year 12 and 10 teams were victorious.
Congratulations to the Year 12 team - Steven Hu, Ngoc Nguyen and Naveen Kannangara; Year 11 team Daniel Coley, Helen Do and Charlotte Rosman and Year 10 team Alex Wright, Allie Dyall and Isabella Pearson.
Mr Nunan and I are very proud of all of our students and look forward to continuing to build the debating profile in our College.
Ms Ellis