Mrs Harvey's 


Assistant Principal




Don’t forget to come and show Mrs Harvey when you have read for 25 nights to get yourself up on our reading wall of fame and get a sticker! When you have read for 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 nights you will get a photo taken with our giant balloons. 

So far this term we have had 54 possible nights for reading.

Remember for those of you who read and record 200 nights of reading this year you will receive a Somerville PS Golden Ticket. This ticket will give you access to a special ‘pizza party’ lunch in term 4. So don’t forget to keep up that reading and annoy your parents and carers so they sign your books to say you have read! We have a reading hall of fame in the foyer. How far can you climb on our wall?

To get to 200 you have to read for 50 nights each term. This includes any reading you do or being read to by your parents or you can even read to your teddies – JUST READ! It all counts so start recording your nights so you can come to our party.





Congratulations to our super awesome Somerville Star Recipients this week. Well done for working hard and demonstrating our school values at all times!


22022022 – 2-2 day (tutu day)

How awesome is our school community. So many students went to the trouble of dressing up for our special 2-2 day. It was great to see all of the colours around the yard. An awesome effort by our teachers also – what a wonderful bunch of staff we have. Ask your child/ren about the learning they did around this amazing number.



How wonderful for our school leaders to run their first assembly outside last week on our new stage on the basketball courts. They did an amazing job and we just have to make some adjustments for next time so the wind doesn’t blow the papers around!!! The foundation students were incredible at sitting and listening for their first assembly.