Visual Arts

Visual Arts 

We were very excited to welcome back the Preps, Year 1 and Year 2 students, and enjoyed seeing the Year 12 students in person, for one last week together. I wish them well moving into exam season. I am very proud of my Studio Art and Ms Carla Grbac’s Visual Communication and Design classes for persevering until the very end, completing impressive work. 


In addition, I am incredibly excited to formally announce the 2021 Online Art and Design exhibition for 2021. Voting opens on Tuesday 26 October and closes on Monday 8 November. Please share the links with your family and friends. Last year, the uptake was phenomenal, and we trust that our community will again support and encourage our creative, talented students by voting for the most deserving work. Good luck to all students with various awards, certificates, and prizes on offer. This year, Media joins us with additional Textiles and Food Technology categories. 


Please note that this year, one form per email (for each year level/category) will be accepted. 

Special Mention 

I would like to personally thank Miss Olivia Grbac who is working tirelessly to collate, label, upload and organise well over 1200 individual images for this event. As students were offered the opportunity to choose their work this year, this made the task even more challenging and time consuming. Miss Grbac’s playful aesthetic serves to remind us of a positive and celebratory end to the year. She was solely responsible for this year’s exhibition, liaising with me only as necessary. We have such talented staff in the Visual Art department, and her Illustrator and ICT skills are most appreciated.  

Primary Art 

The remote work of many of our students has been impressive. They have responded to the visual stimuli and instructions, continuing to use materials available to them. What’s most heartwarming is their continued effort and perseverance to engage and express themselves. As a mother of a Year 4 child myself, I know that Art sessions have offered a wellbeing and contemplative moment in a busy day. 


To all students, we ‘see you’, every time you submit work online. Please keep up the great work! 

Year 8's are Great

My Year 8 Art students have been set various challenges over the Semester that I would like to share with you. Unable to complete a lino-print, they worked in Photoshop to create amazing, conceptual ‘Stencil Art’ pieces.  

We then extended this, by completing a ‘Kitchen Stencil’ unit, requiring problem-solving and initiative that impressed me. The final work was completed as an extension task, the student combining his kitchen stencil print, further manipulating it in Photoshop. 

More recently we completed a fun task, altering an existing image with a character overlay in addition to a series of observational drawings. I then challenged them to a timed, quick observational piece, with only thirty minutes set aside to ‘beat the teacher’. Needless to say, I now owe many students some chocolate! 

Mrs Linda Camilleri

Head of Faculty Visual Arts