School Psychologist

Do you leave things to the last minute?

This time of year there’s many tests, exams and assignments due and as a result procrastination can set in. Procrastination is when you delay, leave to the last minute or put off something you have to do. Everyone procrastinates from time to time, but if it starts getting in the way off completing work to a good standard – it becomes a problem. Here’s a few tips to help beat procrastination:

  • Chunking. Break down tasks into smaller, more achievable steps.
  • Worst first. Knock out the worst task first so the rest of the tasks seem easy in comparison.
  • Use momentum. Alternatively, you can complete an activity that energises you then move onto a less attractive activity.
  • Just 5 minutes. If you really don’t want to start something you could plan to spend 5 minutes working on the task. Often once you get started, you’ll end up working for longer.
  • Prime Time. Work out the time of day when you are most energised and productive, use this time to get started on tasks. For some, it may be the morning, right after school or the evening.
  • Reward yourself after completing a task.