Dear Parents/Carers, Families and College Community

This week I spent some time with our Student Councillors at their Leadership Camp in Perth. Our Councillors combined with student leaders from WA College of Agriculture Narrogin and were involved in a number of learning and practical activities to elevate their thinking and skills. Listening to their individual oral presentations, I was reminded how similar students are across all Ag Colleges and how they share the same interests and aspirations. 


COVID Vaccination News

You may be aware that the WA Government has just announced an extension of the range of occupations that need to be vaccinated against COVID.


It would appear that all staff employed at the College will need to be vaccinated as they fall into the “critical occupation” category.  This means the first dose is to be received by the 31st December 2021 and second dose by the start of the 2022 school year.


At this stage, I understand that parents and students are not required to be vaccinated. However, any contractors or people attending the College as a routine and regular part of their work are required to be vaccinated.


The Pfizer vaccine will be available to all students, their families and staff who wish to take advantage of the opportunity onsite at the College.


Dates:   First dose: 28th October    

                Second dose: 19th November 

                Start: 10.30am


The vaccines will be administered by nurses and the process managed by Department of Health staff. Reactions will be monitored for at least 15 minutes after the vaccination. Residential staff will monitor those students vaccinated over the night.


Approvals process -   1. Register on-line at VaccinateWA – instructions have been                                                                 emailed to you last week.

                                          2.  Parent approval - must be provided through the specific consent                                                  form also emailed last week. Please return to the College by,                                                           8.00am 28th October 

New Pathway Name

A critical part of introducing the new pathway to replace ATAR is to choose a name which reflects the purpose and outcomes of the pathway. We have settled upon the title of the General Extension Pathway. 

The name covers the purpose of;

  • Decoupling from the Curtin UniReady program - because the pathway is more than that.
  • Removing reference to university - because there is more to the program than university entrance.
  • Highlighting that the pathway is a step-up to the general stream - because the intent is to provide extension across all of the subjects in the pathway.