Remote Learning Grade 5/6

Term 3 

Thank you to the students, parents, community and staff. It has been a massive team effort from everyone to get through this term. 


Thank you to all Grade 5/6 students. You have shown great determination, flexibility and perseverance in another term that has thrown everything at you. You went from being at school, working hard together, playing and having fun with your friends, to being online again within a moments notice. We were able to get back into remote learning and halfway through changed to live lessons. This has been so much fun to be able to see, chat and learn together live again. Nothing beats the classroom but you are participating and learning like the classroom has been so refreshing and highly engaging. 


Thank you to all the Grade 5/6 Parents and Carers. You are all the true heroes here. We cannot thank you enough! You have had to balance work, teaching, home life and more. We appreciate all your support to the staff and the students. Without you we would be lost and we have appreciated the open communication and feedback you have provided. The support we have received moving to live lessons has been amazing. 


With whatever Term 4 brings us, we know that we can get through it together. 


A note from the school leaders:



This term has been great and it is a shame to see it go, but we will take on the new term with all of its challenges and curveballs just as we did this one. 

This term, the 5/6's have covered everything from natural disasters, to fractions. 

For literature, we have done poetry, and to have a bit of fun, we wrote a poem of each teacher and got them to guess who was who. It was hilarious!

This term was thought to be the term where we were able to be together, so I thank you you for all of your help in keeping us safe. 


From Paige, Hallie, Samara and Owen.