St Brigid's News and Events

Welcome back Foundation

So much has been happening in Foundation.  Hooray!  We are back onsite and in our classroom for a few days a week.


We celebrated our first day with 100 Day celebrations and a Teddy Bears Picnic. We had a picnic snack with our Teddies and we chased bubbles. We also made crowns, glasses and played lots of games.


Our Term 4 Religion/ Inquiry unit is ‘Where Are We From?’ We have started talking about who is in our family and made some beautiful ‘Family Tree’ artwork, thanks Mato and Emily for sharing.

RE News

On one occasion, Jesus’ disciples asked him to help them increase their faith on one another, they asked Him to teach them how to pray.  The Month of October is dedicated to the praying of the Holy Rosary and the Devotion to Mary.  This gesture of prayer allows us to be united with Mary as we participate in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus, His passion, death and resurrection.  This is our concrete action in opening ourselves for an “Increase of Faith.”


Pope Francis invites Catholics to rediscover the beauty of the rosary prayer this month, encouraging people to carry a rosary with them in their pockets.


"I invite everyone to rediscover, especially during this month of October, the beauty of the prayer of the rosary, which has nourished the faith of the Christian people through the centuries,


Mission Month

Each year, Catholic Mission declares the month of October as Mission Month. Here in Australia, we call it Socktober. This year, students across Australia will learn about the missionary work of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Thailand who, through their Kindergarten Centre, are bringing about generational change to some of the poorest communities in Bangkok. 


Catholic Mission

We will celebrate next week with Crazy sock days. Children are to wear normal school uniforms and add their crazy socks. No donations are necessary; this is about raising awareness.


Foundation and 3/4 Crazy Sock Day - Tuesday 26th October  

1/2 and 5/6 Crazy Sock Day - Thursday 28th October


Jag Online Auction

Click here for link to the JAG silent Auction.





Parenting in the Digital World

St Brigid’s in conjunction with the eSmart Foundation is hostingan online session on Wednesday 27th October at 8 pm to help parents support their children to have a positive experience in the online world. 


Find out more or want to attend?  You can respond on Operoo or email me 


Importance of Social and Emotional Learning

As your children return to school attending to the social and emotional learning of your children is at the fore of all staff interactions. The Early Intervention Foundation provides five reasons why social and emotional learning is critical to our recovery from Covid-19.Click here to read more


Youth Mental Health: How Parent’s Play a Crucial Role

I recently attended this informative webinar presented by Cheryl Bloom from Stride Education. This included current mental health statistics related to youth. In particular, a focus on the different types, presentations, and causal factors for young people. Most importantly was the practical and positive ways that you as a parent and carer can support your child in this situation.  Cheryl has made a recording available for parents to view also. If you are interested in listening to this informative discussion click here.


Focus Skill 

Over the next two weeks, the children will be focussing on teamwork. This is one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. In our school and current context, an example of this will be teachers re-creating class routines that students work collaboratively to achieve. This will help students create a sense of security through predictability. 


Exciting News

A very big thank you to the creative and talented Sigi who is helping us decorate a Wellbeing Space for all of us to come and visit. 


Belinda Wendt