Principal's News

Dear Parents and Friends,


It was so lovely to see the smiling faces of our Foundation students as they headed back to school on Monday! They were so very excited - there were a few tears from the mums and dads though. The children enjoyed  a lovely day of getting to know each other again, a teddy bears picnic and a belated celebration of their 100 days of school.


Today, we welcome back the 1/2 children  - and how excited were they (and the parents too!!) I know they are just as excited to be coming back as the Foundation children.   There were streamers, bubbles, disco music and dancing as the students enthusiastically returned to their classrooms.


See "Dates for your Diary" for full return to school schedule


Please be reassured that we are following all the Government Guidelines that are occurring to make sure your children are as safe as possible while at school. We have lots of access via doors and windows to allow natural air flow through the classes. When the ventilators arrive, they will be placed in areas that have no natural air flow eg the sick bay first and then the classrooms.


Face masks must be worn INDOORS  by children in Years 3-6, and it is recommended that children in Foundation - Year 2 to wear a mask indoors as well. 


Thank you to all the children who are wearing masks and wearing them correctly.


School Fees

School fees are now overdue unless you have a specialised payment plan in place. Families on direct debit payments please review your last statement to ensure that your fees are paid in full by end of year. Thank you to those families who have made recent payments.


If you have any queries please contact Fiona Blair -


Colour Run

We’re three weeks out from our School Fun Run’s Crazy Colour Day! We hope students are working hard towards their fundraising goals!


Remember, the money raised will be going towards our outdoor garden/classroom.


Did you know that you can WIN a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package by setting up your student profile online and raising $1 online? Just head over to Once you’ve created your page there are some great things you can do. You can sign up for online fundraising, pick your target prize and even become a fundraising superstar! 


If you’re having any trouble setting up your student profile or fundraising online, please get in touch with the Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN.


Thanks for supporting us with your fundraising efforts, we look forward to celebrating with an amazing day!


If haven't already set up your profile - now is the time!! Here's what to do:


Step 1 👉 Click this link:

Step 2 👉 Complete the registration and select "St. Brigid’s" as your school

Step 3👉 Share your unique link with family & friends to receive donations and earn awesome prizes!

Step 4 👉 Participate in the Colour Day on Friday 12th November and have a fantastic day!

Step 5 👉 Receive your awesome prizes for your fundraising efforts! Click here to see what you can earn.


Happy Fundraising!!!


Summer Uniform and Hats

Students are to wear their correct summer uniform in Term 4.   All Students must have a School Hat, so please check your child's hat is in a respectable condition and that it is clearly named.  From Monday 25 October if your child does not have a hat they will not be able to play outside.


Yours in partnership


Wendy Sullivan
