Around the School
Library News
Congratulations to Elsa Kliendienst, the winner of our term 1 Library borrowers raffle. Elsa has won $20.00 voucher which she is able to spend in Book club.
Students enter the draw when they get 10 marks on a rewards card. K-6 students get one mark each day they borrow, secondary get one mark per book not including text books. We already have a number of entries ready for the next draw.
A reminder to parents and carers that students in kindergarten to year 4 need a library bag in order to borrow, this is to protect the book while it’s in transit. A library bag can be as simple as a shopping bag or pillow case.
Kindergarten - Year 6 library borrowing days are follows:
Tuesday | Wednesday |
Crimson | Platinum |
Lime | Navy |
Mint | Rose |
| Platinum |
From our Agriculture Department
We are having a very busy Term 2 at the Ag farm and we are currently planning a number of excursions and activities. This coming week, Year 10 students will be taking part in the annual LLS Regional Property Planning Competition. Students will be visiting a local property near Armidale, participating in a number of “hands on” workshops and will then design and submit an improved version of the property. The winner will be announced at AGQUIP in August.
Our preparations for the regional Prime lamb competition are well underway, Year 7-10 Ag students will be entering ten lambs into this excellent long running competition. The lambs are being fed a ration and being handled with halters in preparation for the hoof and hook competition on the 1st June in Tamworth. Thank you for the generous donations of prime lambs from the Grills, Presnell and Jackson families.
The school farm has had a very productive season with many kilos of potatoes, tomatoes and pumpkins sold this term. We have also sold a number of vegetable boxes to staff and we will be using these funds to make some improvements to the farrowing shed for Polly the pig.
Year 10 and 11 were fortunate to visit “Ellesmere” Bio-dynamic Beef farm for their case study assessment in the first week of term. The students were given a tour of the farm and learnt about Bio-dynamic beef production with the Foster family.
Year 7 students are busy learning about animal enterprises and will be designing an animal housing model for a particular animal enterprise of their choice. All students are to be congratulated for their excellent participation and attitude this year and I look forward to many more exciting activities and excursions to come.
Our senior students have been working on their Certificate II in Agriculture qualifications completing WH&S, tractor and weather units of competency. Shortly they will be starting some much needed fencing at the farm.
Secondary Athletics Carnival
Our Secondary Athletics Carnival was held on Tuesday 11th May 2021 and it was fantastic to see many of our students becoming involved in our track and field events throughout the day.
Malpas was the overall winning house for the day with 452 points, Nincoola placing 2nd with 370 points and Chandler concluded the day with 389 points.
Thank you to Mrs Linley Ryan, all the staff and students involved in the organisation for the day.
The North West Carnival for qualifying students will be held in Tamworth on Friday 23rd July 2021.
Age Champions
12 Year Girls - Emma Looker
12 Year Boys - Blake Raper
13 Year Girls - Sophie Roberts
13 Year Boys - Jack Soraghan
14 Year Girls - Quin Ashman
14 Year Boys - Ryan Williams
15 Year Girls - Akashia Brazier
15 Year Boys - Archie Dowden
16 Year Girls - Ellie Mitchell
16 Year Boys - Michael Looker
17+ Year Girls - Claire Davidson
17+ Year Boys - Billy Youman
Primary Athletics Carnival
Our Primary Athletics Carnival was held on Friday 14th May 2021. It was fantastic to have our parents and carers join us and share in the excitement of our annual athletics carnival. Each of our students are to be congratulated on their participation, sportsmanship and their positive behaviour through out the carnival.
Age Champions
Junior Girl Champion - Oakley Brazier
Junior Boy Champion - Lincoln Atkin
11 Year Age Champion - Eli McGinty
11 Year Age Champion - Hayley Williams
Senior Girl Champion - Rose Kliendienst
Senior Boy Champion - Tynan Bull
The winning house for the day was Nincoola!
A big thank you to Mr Stephen Alletsee, primary staff and our primary and secondary students who helped out for the day.
Stage 2 Crimson
Stage 2 Crimson has had a great start to term 2. We’ve been busy preparing for Check in Assessments for Year 4 and NAPLAN for Year 3. Lots of practice and revision meant we were ready to put our thinking caps on when the tests arrived. We have been doing liquids, solids, and gases in Science. We did an experiment when you mix water and custard powder. It is a liquid when you touch it softly, when you poke it is a liquid, but when you punch it it is a solid and doesn’t splash. It was very messy.
In Music we are learning some body percussion to Can’t Stop The Feeling from the Trolls movie, as well as learning to sing the ANZAC version of I am Australian.
We have been learning about ANZAC day in history as well.
Members of Stage 2 Crimson also had a wonderful, colourful time during Colour Explosion earlier this term.
By Jessica Fletcher, Brax Hutton and Ms. Kelson
Author Phillip Gwynne visits Guyra Central School
On Tuesday 27th April 2021 the school was visited by Australian Author Phillip Gywnne. Students in Year 10 have studied his book ‘Deadly Unna’. Along with discussing ‘Deadly Unna’ he spoke to Year 10 about where he gets his ideas and talked about writing his latest book.
Year 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to take part in a writing workshop with Phillip. They discussed character development and how to challenge the characters in realistic ways. The students were also treated to a reading of one of his picture books The Queen with the Wobbly Bottom.
Primary Students will soon be visited by Author Gabrielle Wang and Illustrator Sandy Flett. Students are already formulating questions to ask of our visitors.
Big Picture Visit
Savannah White, a Year 11 Big Picture student from Mossiset High School, visited the school this week. We took the opportunity to hold a Town Hall meeting with all our Big Picture students and asked Savannah to talk about her Big Picture journey.
Having started Big Picture in Year 8 Savannah was able to talk to students about her exhibitions, internships and other educational opportunities she has had including becoming a certified scuba diver. Students had the chance to ask Savannah questions with many interested in how she compared mainstream to big picture and how she handled being a self directed learner.
Toby Handebo presented Savannah with a gift of items made by Guyra Central School students to thank her for her insights into their new adventure.
Primary Merit Awards
Stage 1 Lime
Hunter Melmeth - Working hard to develop his arguments in persuasive writing.
Vaya Sheldrick - Developing her fluency while reading.
Noah Chapman - Persistence in all areas of his learning.
Stage 1 Mint
Violet Strudwick - Taking Pride in her Personal , Development and Health work.
Ivy-Rose Brazier -Using her knowledge of sight words, when reading
Jacob Jones - Using his 'counting on' skills in Mathematics
Stage 2 Rose
Ryan Vidler - Merit Award
Kiarnie Shersby - Merit Award
Cameron Batt - Merit Award
Mackenzie Tooth - Merit Award
Stage 3 Platinum
Brooke Clark - Responding positively to feedback in writing
Sophie Bezzant - Responding positively to feedback in writing
Stage 3 Navy
Stevie McElroy - Writing a detailed description of 'The Lost Thing'
Maddison Tooth - Being a great help at the athletics carnival
Edward Collins - Writing a comprehensive description of 'The Lost Thing'
Tynan Bull - Overall improvement in his classwork this term
Secondary Head Teacher Awards
Annabelle Collins
| Excellent effort and application in Agriculture Consistent effort and achievement in mathematics |
Ashley Donnelly | Consistent effort and achievement in Mathematics |
Brendon Williams | Excellent effort and application to Literacy Skills. Congratulations on showing outstanding growth |
Carter Atkin | Improved effort in Mathematics Standard 2 |
Courtnie Ward | Showing leadership in Drama by active participation and by encouraging other students |
Ellie Mitchell | Excellent application in Primary Industries |
Emma Looker | Excellent application to PDHPE and the Cross Country |
Gabby Hartas-Berry | Excellence in independent working |
Kye Raper | Food Technology - Outstanding effort on Vocabulary pre-test |
Max Raper | Consistent effort and achievement in Mathematics |
Michael Looker | Excellent application in Primary Industries |
Millie Roberts | Excellent application and achievement in Biology |
Olivia Little | Improved effort in mathematics Standard 2 |
Piper Kempton | Conscientiously work on Big Picture project Excellent application to PDHPE and the Cross Country |
Renae Vanderwolf | Academic Achievement in Business Services |
Riley McLeod | Consistent effort and achievement in Mathematics |
Shearnna Wadley | Working well and independently on her Big Picture project |
Toby Handebo | Working conscientiously to produce an informative exhibition in Big Picture in Term 1 |
Congratulations to all students receiving these awards.