In Other News

The moon and the stars

Francesco Shoots for the Stars

An outstanding achievement for year 8 student Francesco, who competed in the 2021 National Skeet Championships, held in Wagga Wagga earlier this month. Francesco, along with his two team mates shot for and won the Victorian Junior State Championship. A personal highlight for Francesco was winning the High Guns Trophy & Sash for his overall performance in the Sub-Junior program, including a personal best of 50 out of 50. Congratulations to Francesco for these impressive results and to Francesco's father Michael, who was inducted into the Australian Clay Target Association Hall of Fame.

Lunar Eclipse 

This amazing photo was taken by year 11 student Estefan. Thanks Mr Liacos for the explanation on this event last week.

Photo by Estefan
Photo by Estefan

The Moon makes a complete orbit of the Earth every 28 days or so. Occasionally, it passes directly behind the Earth and sunlight is blocked from reaching it. This is called a Lunar Eclipse and it only occurs when the moon is full. 


A small amount of sunlight hits the Earth's atmosphere on its edge (as seen from the sun) and some of this light can pass through the atmosphere and then keep going to hit the moon. The atmosphere filters out all the colours except for red light. This small amount of red light hits the moon and reflects back to us, making the moon appear red, hence the name "blood moon".


The moon doesn't orbit the Earth in a perfect circle, but in an eclipse. As a result its distance varies slightly from us. When a full moon occurs at the point in its orbit that it is closest to the Earth, it is called a super moon. However, there is very little difference in the apparent size of the moon because its distance from us doesn't really change all that much.


When a super moon happens to coincide with a blood moon (a lunar eclipse), it's called a super blood moon. Cue the howling...


Marking attendance

Our Sub School Leaders and Coordinators work very hard to manage the attendance reports of all students. This can be a very time consuming task, staff would prefer to use this time more productively, such as call parents for positive conversations. All parents and guardians can help by marking absences following the computer or mobile friendly instructions in the following link.

Parent Choice Absences can be marked for many reasons including appointments, feeling unwell and in remote learning you can add a note for internet issues. If you need any further support please contact the college with your concerns.